本人小白,软件版本:Fluent 19.0。利用meshing mode 生成网格,auto mesh时报错:Error: 0 : SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)。auto mesh之前,设置了两个周期性边界:为图示角度的右面和底面设置了平移周期性边界,左面和上面分别是二者对应的shadow面。若只设置一个或不设周期性边界,则不报错,能正常求解。因此怀疑是设置...
当fluent没有设定质量流量入口时,就会出现下面的错误。 Error at Node 0: Dot product of flow direction and area normal is zero. Check the specified flow direction on Mass Flow Inlet boundary conditions for thread 5. 编辑 发布于 2024-06-25 23:02・IP 属地江西...
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, FluentValue found Description I'm trying to use various tools from the 'langchain' library. Call to wikidata_tool.run("string") resulted in the above error. Identified a bug in the below code ( using latest version of the build) https:/...
菜鸟一枚,最近做模拟无法初始化,求助各位大神!!!跪谢!!!@wuming524发自小木虫IOS客户端 ...
Skip retry and flush chunk to secondary error_class=NoMethodError error="undefined method `key' for #<Fluent::Plugin::Buffe r::MemoryChunk:0x00007fa50795d6d0>" fluentd-g | 2019-11-15 15:20:32 +0000 [warn]: #0 /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/fluent-plugin-sql-1.1.1/lib/...
icem划分的网格导入fluent时出错Building... mesh Cell Centroid is xc -3.153404 yc -1.068314 zc 0.472299WARNING:cell 0 of thread 9 has NULL face pointer 3. Clearing partially read grid.Error:Build Grid:Aborted due to critical error.Error:Build Grid:Aborted due to critical error.Error Object:#f...
一般出现这种情况都是运行电脑缺少dll或者是lib后缀的文件,可以尝试下安装与fluent匹配版本的visual stdio...
Fluent和ICEM启动时出现证书问题 问题: icem启动若出现如下问题 “Initialization Error For details please refer to the message box” 解决方法: 打开任务管理器,进入服务选项,找到ANSYS.Ins证书,先点击停止,然后再点击启动。 然后打开Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 查看1中3个文件是否处于running状态,如果有一个no...
别的论坛里有大咖说有可能网格质量不高,扭曲太大……试试提高网格质量 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...