流水车间调度(flow-shop scheduling)、作业车间调度(job-shop scheduling)、柔性作业车间调度(flexible ...
This paper examines two special cases of the n-job, m-machine permutation scheduling flowshop problem. The first case assumes an increasing series of dominating machines; while the second case assumes a decreasing series of dominating machines. Efficient solution procedures for finding the optimal per...
Flow shop scheduling problems, are a class of scheduling problems with a workshop in which the flow control shall enable an appropriate sequencing for each job and for processing on a set of machines or with other resources 1,2,...,m in compliance with g
简单来说,二者的区别可以从定义入手分析。flow shop问题,n个工件在m台机器上加工,每个工件都要在m台...
(1979) for scheduling problems, we denote the flow shop problem with unlimited intermediate buffers and two distinct due dates as the Fm|dj∈d1,d2|Lmax problem and the no-wait flow shop problem with two distinct due dates as the Fm|nwt,dj∈d1,d2|Lmax problem respectively. Lenstra et ...
5) Hybrid Flow-shop Scheduling Problem 混合流水调度 6) flowing water 流水 1. The experiments proved that the key techniques wereflowing waterand washing in seedling culture. 探索了海带配子体克隆育苗生产中的幼苗培育技术,试验证明,流水速度和洗刷压力是幼苗培育技术中的关键技术。
production management; energy-efficiency; scheduling; no-idle flowshop; metaheuristics1. Introduction Ecological restoration and reduced carbon emission have become major global priorities [1]. Local governments have put forward regulatory measures and policies to enforce energy-saving initiatives. These ...
safe scheduling modelsstochastic counterpartsstochastic flow shop modelIn the stochastic flow shop model, the makespan typically exhibits a positive Jensen gap even with two machines, so the problem is inherently more complex than its deterministic counterpart. This chapter explores stochastic counterparts ...
山东大学硕士学位论文 分类号:TP39 单位代码:10422 密 级: 学 号:06910470631 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:不确定条件下Flow Shop调度问题研究 Research of Flow Shop Scheduling Problems Under Uncertainty 作者 鲁 燕 专业 计算机软件与理论 导师 杨公平 副教授 合作导师 2010年 4 月 5 日 原创性声明和...
Section 3 introduces the block mining and recombination approach for flow shop scheduling problems. Section 4 validates the algorithm with experimental results. Finally, Section 5 gives discussion and conclusion. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your ...