流水车间调度(flow-shop scheduling)、作业车间调度(job-shop scheduling)、柔性作业车间调度(flexible ...
scheduling modelsIn the development of scheduling models, the flow shop represents the most direct extension to jobs with multiple operations. This chapter deals with a model based on the design in which machines are arranged in series. In this design, jobs flow from an initial machine, through...
Flow shop scheduling problems, are a class of scheduling problems with a workshop in which the flow control shall enable an appropriate sequencing for each job and for processing on a set of machines or with other resources 1,2,...,m in compliance with g
3) Flow Shop scheduling Flow Shop调度4) Flow-shop schedule Flow-shop调度 1. Two models are established, which are the basis of studying Flow-shop schedule for multiple product lines. 本文是在对制造企业生产现场进行调研分析,同时在阅览了大量的生产调度中英文参考文献的基础上,建立了含有限缓冲区的...
1Flow Shop调度问题描述 Flow Shop调度问题是很多实际流水线生产调度问题的简化模型,也是一个典型的NP hard问题,因此其研究具有重要的理论意义和工程价值,他也是目前研究最广泛的一类典型调度问题。Flow Shop调度问题研究m台机器上n个工件的流水加工过程,每个工件在各机器上的加工顺序相同,同时约定每个工件在每台...
网络释义 1. 流水线调度问题 水流问题,Water flow... ... ) Water flow problems 水流问题 )Flow shop scheduling problem流水线调度问题... www.dictall.com|基于5个网页 2. 例句 置换Flow-shop调度问题,permutation Flow... ... )flow shop scheduling problem例句>> ... ...
2.5 基于遗传算法的混合Flow-shop 调度方法[5] 混合Flow-shop 调度问题 (Hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem, HFSP) 是一般Flow-shop 调度问题的推广,由于在某些工序上存在并行机器,所以比一 般的Flow-shop 调度问题更复杂.本文提出了遗传算法求解混合Flow-shop 调度 问题的方法,给出了一种新的编码方法,设计了...
To overcome the problem, this paper proposes a Flowshop Scheduling Model of Multiple production lines for Precast production (MP-FSM) and develops a corresponding optimization approach to facilitate optimized scheduling by using GA. The approach was validated preliminarily by comparing with traditional ...
S. Pandian Algoritam planiranja operacija flow shop u cilju smanjivanja vremena izvršenja kod problema n-poslova i m-strojeva ISSN 1330-3651 UDC/UDK 658.514:004.421.2 FLOW SHOP SCHEDULING ALGORITHM TO MINIMIZE COMPLETION TIME FOR n-JOBS m-MACHINES PROBLEM Vladimír Modrák, R. Sudhakara ...
3) flow shop scheduling 流水线调度 1. Memetic algorithm forflow shop schedulingwith limited buffers 基于混合进化算法的有限缓冲区流水线调度 2. A differential evolution (DE) algorithm is developed for the lot-streamingflow shop schedulingproblems (LFSP) with the objective of minimizing the total weig...