Finally, we consider hierarchical bi-criteria proportionate flow shop scheduling problems with two distinct due dates and the primary objective of minimizing the number of tardy jobs. We show that these problems are solvable in O(n3) time when the secondary objective is the minimization of either ...
improved dynamic programmingIn this paper, we address the problem of scheduling n jobs in an s -stage hybrid flowshop with batch production at the last stage with the objective of minimizing a given criterion with respect to the completion time. The batch production at stage s is referred to...
Moreover, in the first section, a complete literature review of flowshop-related scheduling problems with different assumptions as well as contributions in solving these other aspects is considered. This paper can be seen as a reference to past contributions (particularly in n/m/p/c max or ...
For the past three decades or so the flexible flow shop (FFS) scheduling problem has attracted many researchers. Numerous research articles have been published on this topic. This study reviews research on the FFS scheduling problem from the past and the present. The solution approaches reviewed ...
山东大学硕士学位论文 分类号:TP39 单位代码:10422 密 级: 学 号:06910470631 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:不确定条件下Flow Shop调度问题研究 Research of Flow Shop Scheduling Problems Under Uncertainty 作者 鲁 燕 专业 计算机软件与理论 导师 杨公平 副教授 合作导师 2010年 4 月 5 日 原创性声明和...
In this paper we study a proportionate flow shop of batching machines with release dates and a fixed number $$m \ge 2$$ of machines. The scheduling problem
This paper addresses a shop scheduling problem for the side frame press shop in a truck manufacturing company. In the problem, a set of n jobs to be scheduled on two machines. All the jobs require processing by the first machine more than once in their operation sequences with reentrant wor...
In the simplest case, all jobs are available and ready to start at time zero, and the setup times on machines are assumed to be sequence-independent and included inpij. In more realistic situations, however, jobs are released at different times, thus, requiring dynamic scheduling, and the ...
Most studies on common due date problems discuss the topic in the context of solving the minimum penalty value for the single-machine or parallel machine scheduling environment. This study extends the problem of the common due date to the dynamic flow shop environment and proposes the enhanced heu...
flow sheet- a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program or an accounting system flow chart,flow diagram,flowchart multidimensional language- a programming language whose expressions are assembled in more than one dimension Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003...