(1999).The reproductive biology of Magnolia grandiflora. Rhodora, 101, 143-162. Google Scholar Almeida, A.M., & Figueiredo, R.A. (2003). Ants visit nectaries of Epidendrum denticulatum (Orchidaceae) in a Brazilian rainforest: effects on herbivory and pollination. Brazilian Journal of ...
Department of BiologyChelsea D.Department of BiologyAmerican Journal of BotanyKirchoff B K,Lagomarsino L P,Newman W H, Bartlett M E,Specht C D. Early floral development of Heliconia latispatha ( Heliconiaceae) ,a key tax- on for understanding the evolution of flower deve- lopment in the ...
Proper flower development is essential for sexual reproductive success and the setting of fruits and seeds. The availability of a high quality genome sequence for pineapple makes it an excellent model for studying fruit and floral organ development. In t
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Reproductive resource partitioning in two sympatric Goniothalamus species (Annonaceae) from Borneo: received: 10 August 2016 floral biology, pollinator trappingaccepted:04October2016 and plant breeding systemPublished:21October2016 Jenny Y. Y. Lau, Chun-Chiu...
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA Robert G. Franks Corresponding author Correspondence toRobert G. Franks. Editor information Editors and Affiliations Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics, Barcelona, Spain ...
Expression profiling of MADS-box gene family revealed its role in vegetative development and stem ripening inS. spontaneum ArticleOpen access25 November 2020 Genome-wide identification and expression pattern analysis of lipoxygenase gene family in banana ...
This research aims to investigate male floral morphology, classify members of the banana family based on overall similarity of morphological traits using 59 banana accessions of 21 taxa and make inferences of the evolutionary relationships of 57 taxa based on ITS, trnL-F, rps16 and atpB-rbcL ...
Classification of the banana family (Musaceae) into three genera, Musa, Ensete and Musella, and infrageneric ranking are still ambiguous. Within the genus Musa, five formerly separated sections were recently merged into sections Musa and Callimusa based on seed morphology, molecular data and chromoso...