Music: Hey, Marianna, you gotta no banana? (Spotify) Subscribe! Like this post? Tell someone about it by clicking a button below. Share this: Email Reddit Tumblr Pinterest Twitter Facebook More Loading... Tags discussion, interesting facts, observations, social commentary, tiny wisdom Posts...
Monkeys mostly are known as lovers of bananas as they are mostly portrayed as banana eaters from every nursery rhyme to cartoons. But in natural conditions, monkeys are omnivores, they eat plant-based food such as seeds, fruits, etc. but can also eat small insects, bird eggs, etc. Moreove...
There are over 20,000 species of butterfly, and every one of them is amazing. Float (or scroll) on down to check out these 15 interesting facts about butterflies! For more amazing animal knowledge, check out thesespider facts,sloth facts, or even thesestrange but true facts! 1. Butterflie...
Now, onto our 55 Interesting Facts About Elephants, which we hope will give you an even greater appreciation for the beauty, intelligence, and emotional capacity of these amazing animals! Types of Elephants & Elephant Habitat Facts About Elephant’s Physical Features Interesting Facts About Elephant...
The traditional Peruvian dish ceviche is believed to have been consumed in a similar form for over two thousand years, with ancient civilizations using fermented juice from banana passionfruit to marinate the fish. What Will You Do With These Fun Facts About Peru? So, which of these facts abou...
That’s right, you didn’t misread; here we have one thousand random and interesting facts about literally everything you could think of! Here at The Fact Site, we’re celebrating our 10thbirthday, and we wanted to celebrate hugely!
Malaysia’s national dish is Nasi lemak, a fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk, often served wrapped in a banana leaf, and usually eaten for breakfast.[9] Malaysia is the only place in the world where the war against Communism was won. The 12-year guerrilla warfare conducted by Comm...
So, here’s a stack of interesting facts you can take away and use to your heart’s content. They are plucked completely at random, so don’t try and find any kind of pattern here! Let’s dive into the fun world of interesting facts and see what we can learn about. ...
it patrols the jungle floor at night as it looks for food. During the day, it hides in a secluded place, such as under a log or a rock or inside a termite mound. It also has the habit of hiding in banana plants, which gives it the alternate name of banana spider. Unfortunately, ...
Rainforest Facts: Discover More About Rainforests Rainforest Plants: Discover amazing plants that grow in rainforests Rainforest MammalsList with Pictures & Facts Rainforest ReptilesList with Pictures & Facts Rainforest InsectsList with Pictures & Facts ...