PLANT morphologyPLOIDYBANANASLEAF morphologyFLOW cytometryCHROMOSOMESGENETIC variationCULTIVARSMany important crops have cultivars with different ploidy and provide a diverse choice of materials for breeding programs. Therefore, it is essential to accurately assess the ploidy of a...
‘Maçã’ (Silk) banana plantlets pre-established in vitro were transferred to MS medium containing 30 g L−1 sucrose, 1 mg L−1 NAA and 1.8 g L−1 Phytagel™ and 1.0 g L−1 of three different sources of silicon: Na2SiO3, K2SiO3 and CaSiO3. The ...
some animals are attracted to the nutritious fruit and eat the seeds along with the fleshy fruit. 2. The seeds pass through their digestive tract and are dispersed, or disseminated, away from the parent plant. 3. This dissemination of seed is an important evolutionary...
The chemical composition, anatomical characteristics, lignin distribution, and cell wall structure of oil palm frond (OPF), coconut (COIR), pine-apple leaf (PALF), and banana stem (BS) fibers were analyzed. The chemical composition of fiber was analyzed according to TAPPI Methods. Light microsco...
Ken 提倡将「植物与植盆视为一体」,并通过时尚以及空间设计角度去欣赏块根,皆因他深信块根植物是一种「被观赏的植物」,所以也 BOTANIZE 也与不同的陶艺家与单位合作,推出了不少鉴赏度极高的陶艺植盆,包括曾与 NEIGHBORHOOD 及 fragment design 合作过的 Invisible ink、Konect、BANANA YAMAMOTO、HOUYHNHNM 与 Scott ...
doi:10.4236/AJPS.2013.47179Nunung HarijatiRodliyati AzrianingsihEva Affanti Prawaningtyas美国植物学期刊(英文)Harijati, N., Azrianingsih, R., Prawaningtyas, E.A., (2013): The Study of Anatomy and Fiber Banana Leaf as a Potensial Wrapping. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4: 1461-1465...
Various parts of banana plant are commonly used in traditional medicines. Several species of Musa are reported to possess anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperglycemic and antidiabetic properties. This work is aimed at studying the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the inflorescences of Musa?脳?
Functional anatomy controls ion distribution in banana leaves: Significance of Na+ seclusion at the leaf margins. Plant Cell Environ. 2009, 32, 476-485. [CrossRef] [PubMed]Shapira, O., Khadka, S., Israeli, Y., Shani, U. & Schwartz, A. Functional anatomy controls ion distribution in ...
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, ANATOMY, LIGNIN DISTRIBUTION, AND CELL WALL STRUCTURE OF MALAYSIAN PLANT WASTE FIBERSThe chemical composition, anatomical characteristics, lignin distribution, and cell wall structure of oil palm frond (OPF), coconut (COIR), pine-apple leaf (PALF), and banana stem (BS) ...
wild bananareinstatementgreen bractspiral phyllotaxyGalatheaThe identity ofMusa sabuanaandM. balbisianavar.andamanicaare re-investigated here using integrative taxonomic approaches. Most recently, these two taxa have been treated as synonyms of a broadly definedM. balbisiana. The present study is ...