cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop); printf("Elapsed time: %3.1f ms \n", time); gpuErrchk(cudaPeekAtLastError()); gpuErrchk(cudaPeekAtLastError()); gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); thrust::host_vectorh_float = d_C; for (int i=0; id_A2(N, a); thrust::device_vectord...
Accelerated Computing CUDA CUDA Programming and Performance _constant 2011 年12 月 2 日 10:51 1 Hi, I would like to do: __global__ void function( float2* ptr ) { float2 someValue = ... ; ... atomicAdd( &ptr[address] , someValue); } But atomicAdd only supports float and not...
在这里,float2是cuda向量类型,定义如下(不是100%确定): 代码语言:javascript 复制 struct __device_builtin__ __align__(8) float2 { float x, y ; }; 还有其他快速的方法吗? c++11 vector stl c++ 广告 云直播特惠9.9元起 针对高并发播放、高并发推流、超低延迟等不同直播场景,提供极速、稳定、专业的...
Hi all, I am trying to install cuda-9.1 in my system. So I am following the installation steps provided in the site. In cuDNN installation step 2.4 for verifying it is mention that: To verify that cuDNN is installed a…
CudaaduC 2014 年5 月 26 日 21:24 21 Wanted to bump this thread, as the need for an atomicAdd on a int2 or float2 has come up on a number of projects. Is there indeed a more efficient method to do an atomicAdd on a 64 bit space other than splitting it into two atomicAdd ...