Want to learn how to write flash fiction stories? Champion the short-short story by reading our analysis of the flash fiction form.
FICTION SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Your story can be speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy or horror. Genre-mashing is completely fine, however your work must contain strong elements of one of these genres. We strongly encourage character-driven narratives and rich worldbuilding tied together with he...
The shorter the complete story, the better. Flash fiction story writing is an art in itself. To be able to construct a complete story with characters and a plot within this word count can be incredibly difficult, but it can also be a way of evolving a story idea in a short space of ...
October 26, 2024Keith McLachlanGeneral Fiction,Science Fiction It was quite a thing when They decided to build the Universe. Some of Them argued that it was unnecessary, even frivolous, but the idea took root and grew. Eventually, They ran out of reasons not to do it: They could do it,...
A collection of 15 flash fiction stories continuing the series started with Flash! Fiction. Each story was first published in an online market. The appropriate attribution appears at the end of the each story. From the book: Getting Even Bruce threw a huge rock at the parking enforcement ...
Discover examples of flash fiction online. Known by various names such as sudden, micro, very short, or postcard fiction, they can be read in a few minutes.
Each story has a maximum of 300 words and is based on a daily prompt, which I've included in the introduction for each story. If you like writing, see what you can come up with, using the same prompts! Or visit Daily Flash Fiction Challenge for more prompts and contest entries. Magic...
I enjoy reading literary fiction because I love the lyricism of the language. However, I sometimes get to the end and wonder what I’m supposed to have taken from it. I can’t find the ‘point’ of the story. Maybe that’s a fault on my part but I think it also comes back to ...
But although flash fiction keeps things brief, it’s more than a snapshot or gesture of a story. Each piece of complete flash fiction still has a polished narrative arc. The stories are self-contained. To feel whole, they don’t need more context or backstory than what’s already provided...
A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less) Been a long time since I last posted a story on this site, but – spurred on by the deadline of a Dutch writing competition – today I felt inspired. So here it is, a story that doesn’t quit adhere to ...