Want to learn how to write flash fiction stories? Champion the short-short story by reading our analysis of the flash fiction form.
But although flash fiction keeps things brief, it’s more than a snapshot or gesture of a story. Each piece of complete flash fiction still has a polished narrative arc. The stories are self-contained. To feel whole, they don’t need more context or backstory than what’s already provided...
How to Write Flash Fiction and Tell a Story in a Few WordsBeth Eaglescliffe
If you’ve thought about using a flashback scene in your writing but haven’t been quite sure where to begin, you’re in the right place. We’ll demystify the purpose of this device in literature, show you how to write flashbacks in your writing, and give you some examples of flashbac...
How do you publish short stories? Most writers start out knowing next to nothing about the publishing side of the writing business. They know they want to have a writing career, but don't know where to start. Publishing seems so intimidating that it's easy to just give up and write only...
If you’re feeling bold, you mightattempt an equivocal ending, or evenset the stage for a series. The specifics depend on what you want readers to take away… and indeed, whether you want this to be the ending “forever” or just “for now”. But even if you intend to write more ...
Write a piece of flash fiction each day of February with the February Flash Fiction Challenge, led by Managing Editor Moriah Richard. Each day, receive a prompt, example story, and write your own. Today's prompt is to write from the perspective of a well-known character. ...
How to Write a Short Story Step 1. Read as Many Great Short Stories as You Can Find Read hundreds of them—especially theclassics. You learn this genre by familiarizing yourself with the best. See yourself as an apprentice. Watch, evaluate, analyze the experts, then try to emulate their ...
10 Tips for How to Write a Story that Resonates Conclusion on How to Write a Story What Is a Story? We all know what a story is. After all, we encounter stories every day. We consume stories in books, movies, newspapers, advertisements, and songs. We hear real-world stories from our...
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