Upon reflection on the title and the irony interwoven in the fabric of the flash, the latent meanings start to evolve constructing a plot as complex as that of longer narratives. Although critics claim that flash fiction lacks plot, the present paper proves through in...
Want to learn how to write flash fiction stories? Champion the short-short story by reading our analysis of the flash fiction form.
Flash fiction isn’t just plot or character; a good story balances the two, giving us plot points that a character we care about moves through (more on that later). …thrives with any genre. Regardless of the genre assigned to you, you can write great flash fiction within those ...
(1) The annual Flash Fiction Festival took place once again in July, in Bristol, in the SouthWest of the UK. There’s always plenty of focus there on the novella-in-flash, with lots of recently published novellas for sale at the festival bookshop, and plenty of published NIF authors you...
Thanks to Maedez of Font and Frock and A Small Press Life for her ideas and for asking me to join the party. Thanks also to all participants for your enthusiasm, and for giving us some “new” films to watch. Today is the last day of the blogathon, but if you post an entry later...
To best work within the 1,500-word frame, don’t just rework your more extensive ideas to fit the constraints. Flash fiction works are often (though not always) contained to one scene or event, focused on revealing more than what's visible through exquisite prose. A more complex plot init...
Manawaker Studio's Flash Fiction Podcast Sort by Edit It looks like we don't have any plot keywords for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data ...
Still, this is part of my ritual. For every novel I have ever written, I have walked the final two or three miles to the guesthouse where I would re-arrange the ideas in my head into a coherent story. I walked the Royal Mile – and then some – for The Cowgate Gallows, climbed th...
Structure helps the reader make sense of the plot and keeps our writing from becoming a stream of consciousness. Secondly, I think fiction needs to generate an emotional connection for readers. They need to empathise with the character and their problems; they need to have someone to care ...
Write a piece of flash fiction each day of February with the February Flash Fiction Challenge, led by Managing Editor Moriah Richard. Each day, receive a prompt, example story, and write your own. Today's prompt is to write a eulogy for an idea or inanimate object. ...