Your story can be speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy or horror. Genre-mashing is completely fine, however your work must contain strong elements of one of these genres. We strongly encourage character-driven narratives and rich worldbuilding tied together with heavy African influences. We ...
该段下文“With flash fiction, you don’t have time for lengthy explanations, character introductions, and setting descriptions. You need to go straight into what is happening in order to get everything you want in the story.”(对于flash小说,你没有时间进行冗长的解释、人物介绍和背景描述。为了在...
该段下文“When planning a flash fiction story you first need to decide what are the important parts of the story that the reader just cannot miss. This might be a few moments from the beginning, middle and end. Once you have these, then any extra detail can either be cut away or ...
She woke up and everything had changed. But there is one silver lining… APPEARANCES ARE DECEPTIVE: A Short Story by Mary Papas Posted on October 6, 2019 by Mary Papas Posted In Free Flash Fiction and Short Stories, Mary PapasTagged In free flash fiction, free short stories, mary papas...
Want to learn how to write flash fiction stories? Champion the short-short story by reading our analysis of the flash fiction form.
Flash fiction, stories of extreme brevity, is a subgenre of short story writing in which special attention is paid to the choice of words, grammar and punctuation to actively involve the reader in the act of unravelling the multiple layers of meaning evoked. Upon rea...
二、七选五Flash fiction is a fictional short story. If you are willing to write flash fiction on your own, here are some tips.Select a genre(体裁) for your writing. To begin with, decide your genre first. _1_ Your genre can be science fiction, horror, thriller(惊险小说), or romance,...
1.It's about finding clever ways to give as much detail as possible about the plot, characters and the setting in the fewest words possible. Use these four top tips to help you write your own fascinating flash fiction.2.When planning a flash fiction story you first need to decide what ...
Young Adult Flash Fiction Story WITH PROMPTS (A story for the young adult range reader) Write a story that somehow incorporates the following words. The story does not have to be specifically about the following words, but should cleverly weave the 8 words into the story. ...
Plot Twist Generator Text Mixer Cut Up Machine Story Dice Flash Fiction Generator Mary Oliver Poems Setting Generator Love Poem Generator Palindrome Generator Story Generator Language is a Virus The website exists to cure writer's block and inspire creativity. You can choose from...