fixed frame [map] does not exist 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你提出的“fixed frame [map] does not exist”错误,以下是我基于你的提示进行的详细分析和回答: 1. 确认错误的上下文 该错误通常出现在使用机器人操作系统(如ROS)或类似的框架时,尤其是在进行机器人定位、地图创建或导航等任务时。错误表明系统试图...
When trying to visualize the topics containing data received from Motive, usingrviz, I get the errorFor frame [mocap]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist. This happens for real Motive data as well as for fake data that can be produced with thenatnet-ros package. As you can see in the ...
Hello, I am having trouble visualising the point cloud using the following ROS driver on the Jetson Tx2. The problem seems to be a result of the following message: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [livox_frame] does not exist. The f...
RVIZ 使用的时候如果fixed frame选项设置不正确,那么就会无法显示显示相应的数据信息,并提示一下错误:“For frame [XX]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist” topic报frame 、transform之类错误,就有两个办法, 1.把global fixed frame设成topic自己所在的坐标系,按照上图的显示,应该改为tramcar; 2.用tf包工具...
rviz Fixed frame: rviz fame [map] does not exist rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 odom my_frame 10
在以下例子里,实现绘制8000个文字的DEMO,我们通过运行后截图看到,FPS是45帧。...(在WebGL模式可以使用); 7、减少文本描边的使用,适量使用位图字体代替; 8、设置Laya.stage.frameRate = “mouse”,在设置后,引擎默认会以30帧运行,只有鼠标活动后才会自动提速到...,可以使用callLater函数来延迟处理函数调用...
Value for drop-down list style ComboBox does not appear in Accessible Event Viewer. Orphaned form DataEnvironment causes VFP to crash when exited. "Internal Consistency" error message when Ctrl+Tab off is disabled page on pageframe. A formset object exhibits memory corruption of...
Asymptotic stability of the control system can only be achieved with conventional SMC regulations for RMs based on linear sliding surface (LSS), whereas achieving high-accuracy tracking control within a finite-time frame is necessary. Due to parasitic dynamics and the time delay of switching control...
Add X-Frame-Option to website in IIS and web.config file Adding a picture to a web form Adding a user to aspnet_Users table Adding an event handler when the page completely loads. Adding an image to text on a LinkButton Adding attributes to the body tag using c# Adding background imag...
"Gallery" does not need to be specified separately in the listing. Listing images that are originally smaller than 400px x 400px are centered in the preview frame. Images that are originally larger than 400px x 400px are scaled down to 400px on their longest side (maintaining their ...