Can place them anywhere, doesn't have to be just one mining location I opted for a drilling animation as opposed to the pickaxe swinging Nicely animated for better immersion NPC's spawn on the blip locations These locations can also give third eye and select ones have context menus for selli...
Auto Detect Garage ID Auto Detect Spawn Location using preconfigured garage housing (limitation is the 550+ housing itself) any custom location may have issues, but this already covered almost all housing in gta. Existing Event and Exports (choose if event or export) TriggerEvent('renzu_garage:g...
Using Menyoo, spawn down a tennis ball and attach it to human, by default menyoo will attach it to the SKEL_ROOT bone (stomach), so from that, what we can do is is either offset the coordinates, say, up to the human ped's mouth, or change the bone all together. Once we've got...
Using Menyoo, spawn down a tennis ball and attach it to a human, by default menyoo will attach it to the SKEL_ROOT bone (stomach), so from that, what we can do is either offset the coordinates, say, up to the human ped's mouth, or change the bone altogether. Once we've got it...
Spawn objects and move them using a nice Gizmo Keep all spawned objects in a list Various options available for spawned entities Locations: Browse to all vanilla interiors Copy coords/teleport Create custom locations, saved in server cache (kvp) Delete/Rename custom locations Filter search to sho...
Using Menyoo, spawn down a tennis ball and attach it to a human, by default menyoo will attach it to the SKEL_ROOT bone (stomach), so from that, what we can do is either offset the coordinates, say, up to the human ped's mouth, or change the bone altogether. Once we've got it...
Using Menyoo, spawn down a tennis ball and attach it to human, by default menyoo will attach it to the SKEL_ROOT bone (stomach), so from that, what we can do is is either offset the coordinates, say, up to the human ped's mouth, or change the bone all together. Once we've got...