Are you a woman in mid-life who is interested in getting into weight training but don't know where to start? And when you go online looking for help, there is just too much information - often conflicting - to sort through. And, you can't be sure that it's even relevant to a...
But after her cancer diagnosis in 2015, she was a broken woman - overweight by 16kg, with arthiritis, menopausal, depressed and unhappy with the person she had become. She founded the tiny first studio of FitNut Loft as a place for her to rehabilitate her broken body and soul - combini...
woman THAT SOUNDS GREAT! What My Clients Say "After training with Jana, I'm in the best shape I have ever been, I'm more mentally alert, resilient and feeling great.I found a coach who can work with me in a nuanced, intelligent and empathetic way. ...
Adult middle aged athletic woman trainer recording online yoga class broadcasting. 40s female looks at laptop sitting on 4K Beautiful young hispanic woman stretching head in an athletic yoga video, recording workout lesson on mat, sitting in her bedroom ...
A series of gold stars for your perseverance. You *will* figure it all out. GIF Description: A woman in a polka dot shirt holds a sign with 5 gold stars and the word ‘amazing’ on it. The image moves slightly but doesn’t change....
Image description: Sam’s Highline selfie. Sam is a white woman in her fifties with wild blonde, brown, and silver hair. She’s wearing a black linen jacket and large black glasses. You get the idea. Painful knees and I city I love to walk around. No amount of ibuprofen helped and ...
I had a woman message me yesterday stating she wanted to embrace her sexuality, but was afraid of exploring & being judged as the woman who “gets around” vs “perfect.” She recently transformed her body, lost weight, feelin good about herself, & finally in a position to date. I can...
She looks like a very well-preserved woman in her mid to late 40s. But Diana is 64. The secrets of how she can look so gorgeous while managing a hectic career as well as being a mother of two and grandmother of four are in her new book Fresh Face, subtitled 'the easy way to ...
(photo "Woman Floating on Water" by Roy Reyna) by Guest Are you in your early 40s and feeling the pressure to get active? Do you know youshouldexercise, but the thought of pounding the pavement or grunting through a gym workout fills you with dread? Perhaps you're a little intimidated...
In a second stroke of good luck, the woman in front of me in line gave me a tissue from her pack when she discovered the bathroom didn’t have any toilet paper. On the bus drive up the canyon, I sat next to a lovely woman who had just run the NYC Marathon two weeks before. We...