The GVA from this state made up nearly three percent of fish products nationwide. Fishing was valued at over one trillion rupees in GVA in the Indian economy that fiscal year. Gross value added from fish products across Kerala in India from financial year 2012 to 2021 (in billion Indian ...
This plan represents an ecosystem-based approach to management wherein species interactions, essential fish habitat, fishing effects on stocks, and other stressors, including climate change, are examined concurrently to evaluate impacts on fish biology and population ecology. ○ Species recovery, such ...
Water reclamation and value-added animal feed from corn-ethanol stillage by fungal processing. Bioresour Technol. 2014;151:284–90. Article CAS Google Scholar Nair RB, Kabir MM, Lennartsson PR, Taherzadeh MJ, Horváth IS. Integrated process for ethanol, biogas, and edible filamentous fungi-...
For each segment, the market sizing and forecasts have been done based on value (in USD million). Product Type Industrial Traditional Composition Basic Premium End-User Food Manufacturers Retail Food Service Country China Japan India Vietnam Thailand Indonesia Rest of Asia-Pacific...
Smartphones are increasingly the most common type of mobile phone used throughout the world, offering users the ability to browse the internet and access m
Fishborne diseases are among the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Contamination of the aquatic ecosystem and unhygienic handling practices along the fish supply chain can lead to a contaminated fish. Consumption of raw or under cooked f
Production of marine finfish in onshore facilities has a long history of research, but it is only relatively recently that a few, mostly high-value species, have reached the stage of large-scale success, particularly for species where the entire life cycle can be completed in land-based facili...
and a range of marinated and value-added meats. J&G would join Préval AG's six other meat enterprises, including Montpak International in Canada and Catelli Brothers in the United States, in processing and packaging veal, lamb, and beef for retail and food service clients throughout the Am...
gelatin, lipids, enzymes, hydrolysates and bioactive peptides, with great potential for human health applications. The present paper aims to review the current methods of extraction and characterization of added value products from fish by-products, as well as their actual and potential applications....
Bio-Based Chemicals, Value Added Products from Biorefineries. IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Report 2012. Available online: (accessed on 7 March 2021). Michailos, S. Kinetic ...