Saranya, R., Prasanna, R., Jayapriya, J., Aravindhan, R., Selvi, A. T. (2016). Value additionof fish waste in the leather industry for dehairing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 118, 179-186.R. Saranya, R. Prasanna, J. Jayapriya, R. Aravindhan, A. Tamil Selvi, Value addition...
The main results revealed that consumers are willing to pay more for a package of their choice, while valuing the food safety provided by the package versus bulk fish. In addition, they are also influenced by the colouring, practicality, transparency, ease of storage and flavour attributes, all...
Production of simulated caviar using Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) roe: Pilot scale study to promote fish roe based value addition sector in Sri Lanka 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 48 作者:SC Jayamanne,GGN Thushari,NPP Liyanage
Proximate analysis of jack fruit seed flour (Non-germinated and germinated) and value addition to bread Introduction: Artocarpus heterophyllus is an excellent plant due to its multifaceted medicinal properties. (Tejpa., 2016). Jack fruit is highly seasonal. Seeds are used occasionally as a minor ...
Lupeka, 23, a resident of Luanshya, a town on the Copperbelt Province of Zambia commended Motivational Center for Africa's Transformation for enabling agribusinesses to create more income opportunities through value addition. "I now look forward to selling pork and other processed-meat products afte...
Value addition to waste : The Fish Meal plant. CRZ CertificationandEnvironment Compliance Safety First Our motto is safety first. We believe in the health and safety of our employees and our safety measures are designed to prevent accidents and ...
In addition, HPP allows 100% raw crustacean meat extraction and mollusk shucking, improving productivity and drastically reducing hand labor costs. HPP is used to produce moderate levels of pressure (around 250 MPa / 2,500 bar / 35,000 psi), which denatures the adductor muscles of shellfish ...
In addition, a considerably greater area was excluded from commercial fishing (particularly trawling) but still made available to recreational fishing. During the planning process, considerable opposition by commercial and recreational fishers alike to the rezoning was raised arguing substantial loss in ...
The Arctic5-Declaration bans unregulated fishing within the 2.8 million km2 area of the CAO and is a precautionary measure as no large scale commercial fishing is expected in this region in the nearest future. In addition, the declaration has implications for joint international scientific research ...
Microalgae has been a potential food and biofuel source for over 70 years since it is possible to obtain up to 70% (w/w) protein and 60% (w/w) lipids of dry weight biomass using selective strains. In addition, ω3 LC-PUFAs can constitute up to 40% (w/w) of total fatty acid ...