【有趣大会 · ACL2022 (I·ACL2022)】 Findings篇 (Findings)(←) 短论文篇 (Short Papers) 长论文篇 (Long Papers) Findings 1. 音乐博主的流量密码(Secret to Popular Music-Related We-Media) Automatic Song Translation for Tonal Languages aclanthology.org/2022.f 你还记得那首上头、洗脑的日文直译版...
后续可能会出现有趣大会之*ACL,EMNLP,COLING等。 What will the series of articles cover and what benefits does it bring me?These articles will present a selection of studies from the top conferences withinterestingideas or tasks, followed by very short explanations. There will not be in-depth exp...
ACL Findings 2021 机器翻译论文概览 Fully Non-autoregressive Neural Machine Translation: Tricks of the Trade开源代码地址类型:长文作者机构:FAIR,CMU方向:非自回归研究背景:使用深层编码器浅层解码器的普通AT Transfo… Timso...发表于机翻论文笔... NAACL 2022 机器翻译论文概览 (含Findings) Language Model ...
Implementation of the research paper Consistent Representation Learning for Continual Relation Extraction (Findings of ACL 2022) - thuiar/CRL
Code and pretrained models for Findings of ACL 2022 paper LaPraDoR: Unsupervised Pretrained Dense Retriever for Zero-Shot Text Retrieval. In this repo, we provide codes for reproducing experiments on BEIR dataset in the zero-shot setting of the paper. For fine-tuning, please follow the instructi...
This cross-sectional study aimed at exploring the frequency and extent of knee joint lesions associated with delayed treatment of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. It enrolled 300 patients from 2020 to 2022 who were subjected to arthroscopy for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruc...
Similarities and differences between CCL rupture in dogs and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture in humans have been examined extensively in two recent comparative reviews1,7. Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the risk of CCL rupture. The importance of genetic susceptibility ...
, Proc. of the 2021 Conference of the NAACL, pp. 4228–4238. https://aclanthology.org/2021.naacl-main.334 Liu, F., Vulić, I., Korhonen, A., Collier, N. (2021). Learning Domain-Specialised Representations for Cross-Lingual Biomedical Entity Linking. In Proc. of the 59th ACL, pp....
ACL 2022 findings——Divide and Conquer: Text Semantic Matching with Disentangled Keywords and Intents 天涯 仗剑走天涯Divide and Conquer: Text Semantic Matching with Disentangled Keywords and Intents 摘要 文本语义匹配是一个广泛应用于多个下游任务的基础任务。目前,大多数SOTA匹配模型都是一致性地处理每个词...