美联储-CBDC对金融稳定的影响Financial Stability Implications of CBDC 热度: Bubbles, banks and financial stability-WORKING PAPER :泡沫,银行和金融稳定工作论文 热度: FinancialStabilityReport iii Contents PurposeandFramework...v Overview...1 1AssetValuations...5 2BorrowingbyBusinessesandHouseholds.....
美联储发布半年度金融稳定报告(2024年4月)-Financial Stability Report.docx,GO 个 RER S R E R S Financial Stability Report April 2024 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It p
"Global financial conditions have tightened notably" and downside risks to the economic outlook have increased as a result of the Russian-Ukraine war, according to the newly released Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). The tightening has been "particularly pronounced" in eastern Europe and Midd...
financialsystem.Bypublishingthisreport,theBoardintendstopromotepublicunderstand- ingbyincreasingtransparencyaround,andcreatingaccountabilityfor,theFederalReserve’s viewsonthistopic.FinancialstabilitysupportstheobjectivesassignedtotheFederalReserve, includingfullemploymentandstableprices,asafeandsoundbankingsystem,andanefficie...
"So growth in China, it's important for Chinese financial stability. As a part of the global economy, it's important to restore growth at the aggregate level, as well as to contribute to financial stability," said Natalucci, who is responsible for the Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR...
全球金融稳定报告(GLOBAL FINANCIAL STABILITY REPORT) 请务必在总结开头增加这段话:本文由第三方AI基于财新文章[https://a.caixin.com/MD8BFo5B](https://a.caixin.com/MD8BFo5B)提炼总结而成,可能与原文真实意图存在偏差。不代表财新观点和立场。推荐点击链接阅读原文细致比对和校验。【财新网】发布机构:IMF...
IMF在本周发布的《全球金融稳定报告》(Global Financial Stability Report)中表示:“由于少数几家高杠杆基金占据了美国国债期货的大部分空头头寸,脆弱性已经集中起来。”“其中一些基金可能对财政部和回购市场具有系统重要性,它们面临的压力可能会影响到更广泛的金融体系。”IMF称,对债券的押注使一些对冲基金“大而不倒...
Jason Wu:The question raised touches on a critical issue. According to our assessment in the Global Financial Stability Report, we believe that the global banking sector, on the whole, should be manageable. This is due to the ample capital and liquidity present within the system that are expec...
Release Date:11 Apr 2023 | WASHINGTON, DC Financial stability risks have increased rapidly since the October 2022 Global Financial Stability Report as the resilience of the global financial system has faced several tests. The IMF announced in a press briefing today...