美联储于2024年11月22日发布最新的《金融稳定报告》(Financial Stability Report) 网页链接 以下为报告的概述部分: 本报告回顾了与估值压力、企业和家庭借贷、金融部门杠杆率和融资风险有关的影响美国金融体系稳定性的脆弱性。报告还强调了一些近期风险,这些风险一旦实现,可能会与这些脆弱性相互作用。 自2024 年 4 月...
There are likely to be bumps along this last mile, as the IMF shows in the latest Global Financial Stability Report. Geopolitical tensions could intensify and weigh on investor sentiments. Strains in commercial real estate have become more acute, which could increase pressure on s...
GO个RER S ALFinancial Stability ReportApril 2024BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEMThe Federal Reserve Syste
美联储发布半年度金融稳定报告(2024年4月)-Financial Stability Report.docx,GO 个 RER S R E R S Financial Stability Report April 2024 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It p
Release Date:11 Apr 2023 | WASHINGTON, DC Financial stability risks have increased rapidly since the October 2022 Global Financial Stability Report as the resilience of the global financial system has faced several tests. The IMF announced in a press briefing today...
< p > on the 11 day of this month, on the eve of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the world bank's spring annual meeting, IMF's fresh global financial stability report provides a very interesting topic for discussion at this conference -- how the global financial system should ...
全球金融稳定报告(GLOBAL FINANCIAL STABILITY REPORT) 请务必在总结开头增加这段话:本文由第三方AI基于财新文章[https://a.caixin.com/MD8BFo5B](https://a.caixin.com/MD8BFo5B)提炼总结而成,可能与原文真实意图存在偏差。不代表财新观点和立场。推荐点击链接阅读原文细致比对和校验。【财新网】发布机构:IMF...
"Global financial conditions have tightened notably" and downside risks to the economic outlook have increased as a result of the Russian-Ukraine war, according to the newly released Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). The tightening has been "particularly pronounced" in eastern Europe and Midd...
Bank of England published a report on climate-related risks and regulatory capital frameworks. U.K. Department of Science, Innovation and Technology released a draft of the framework for the regulation of AI. IMF released its Global Financial Stability Report. FSB released its work programme for ...
IMF -全球金融稳定报告2021 Global Financial Stability Report, October 2021.pdf,INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND GLOBAL FINANCIAL STABILITY REPORT COV ID-19, Crypto, and Climate: Navigating Challenging Transitions 2021 OCT INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND GLOBAL FIN