In response to the report issued by rating agency S&P on Hong Kong's banks and property market, the Hong Kong government said last night that it disagrees with the observation that there is an oversupply of residential properties. The vacancy rate of private flats was 4.5% at end-2024, on...
2011-China Financial stability Report 《2011-China Financial stability Report》是一本图书,作者是中国人民银行金融稳定分析小组
Using the text of financial stability reports (FSRs) published by central banks, we analyze the relation between the financial cycle and the sentiment conveyed in these official communications. To do so, we construct a dictionary tailored specifically to a financial stability context, which assigns ...
美联储发布半年度金融稳定报告(2024年4月)-Financial Stability Report.pdf,Financial Stability Report April 2024 B O A R D O F G OV E R N O R S O F T H E F E D E R A L R E S E R V E S Y S T E M The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United S
Director of Chinese brokerage Ant Group was among financial holding companies named in the 2018 financial stability report published by the People’s Bank of China. Other groups on the list included conglomerates China Evergrande, HNA Group and Fosun International. ...
As explained on page 62 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements there is a process for identifying, evaluating and managing the risks faced by the Company on a regular basis. The Directors have carried out a robust assessment of the principal and emerging risks facing the Company, includin...
Financial Stability Report, June 2010, Issue 27Bean, Charles
including details of who to contact, contained within the Information for Shareholders section in the Annual Report. Outlook Despite some recent return to stability on the domestic front following the UK election and subsequent budget, the wider geopolitical and economic environment remains uncertain. Th...
"Global financial conditions have tightened notably" and downside risks to the economic outlook have increased as a result of the Russian-Ukraine war, according to the newly released Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). The tightening has been "particularly pronounced" in eastern Europe and Midd...