FFMI (fat free mass index) Calculator that can help to more accurately determine body composition which usually gives the lean body mass to body fat ratio.
Body weight – measured in kilograms or pounds; and Body fat – measured in percent units (use our body fat calculator to find your input value). BMI vs. FFMI Body mass index is a parameter calculated from your weight and height. The results are classified according to the defined norms,...
本次分享的是四川大学华西医院胸外科车国卫教授团队刊登在Journal of Thoracic Disease(点击查阅该杂志详情与最新影响因子)的一项研究“去脂体重指数(FFMI)优于体重指数(BMI)可作为非小细胞肺癌患者行电视辅助胸腔镜肺叶切除术后持续漏气的风险预测因素”(Fat-free mass index is superior to body mass index as a no...
正是由于BMI的局限性,随后才衍生出其替代品FFMI(Fat Free Mass Index),FFMI中文叫做"无脂肪质量指数"...
To calculate your FFMI, there is a two-step process... assuming you know your body fat percentage (Estimate it from yourwaist and height measurements. Use the caliper reading from the tool.). Calculate yourlean weight(in kilograms):
To calculate your FFMI, there is a two-step process... assuming you know your body fat percentage (Estimate it from yourwaist and height measurements. Use the caliper reading from the tool.). Calculate yourlean weight(in kilograms):
我们可用Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) 无脂肪重量指数来做为一个衡量肌瘦肉量的基準。不像BMI会把脂肪...
我们可用Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) 无脂肪重量指数来做为一个衡量肌瘦肉量的基準。不像BMI会把脂肪...
这套东西的产生是因为bmi值系统并不完善,所以FFMI这个更加系统详细的能反应人体数据。去脂体重指数(Fat ...
这套东西的产生是因为bmi值系统并不完善,所以FFMI这个更加系统详细的能反应人体数据。去脂体重指数(Fat ...