We investigate whether users associate certain cue combinations with specific emotions, whether we can observe differences in empathy-related measures, and whether users can form correct inferences on actions and events associated with heart rates. Our preliminary analysis indicates that one previously ...
pdf, 1.68 MBpdf, 1.73 MB The ‘How and I Feeling Fan’ is a simple way for children to express how they are feeling. The fan contains 14 different faces depicting different emotions along with the matching vocabulary. The fan can be easily made by both staff and child. *requires one pa...
Feeling Political is both a historical study and a contemporary commentary. It broaches a theme salient to the twenty-first century: how emotions impact politics. By rigor- ously reconstructing the genealogy of contemporary phenomena, it looks not only at the public and political realm and their ...
It was found that, of the three dimensions of emotional labor (i.e., the expression of naturally felt emotions, surface acting, and deep acting) performed in classroom teaching, only deep acting significantly predicted teacher well-being both directly and indirectly through commitment. The ...
Facing confusing emotions you don't quite understand or challenging new situations can be a scary experience for kids. This thoughtfully written series offers reassurance as well as practical suggestions for dealing with these timely and sensitive topics.Students will find this book to be both a wel...
In this paper, I consider the importance of “taking emotions seriously” in relation to my research into women and surfing in the UK. I draw on feminist work in the areas of emotion, space and subjectivity, and relevant literature on surfing, in order to explore the significance of affect...
"When you touch a body, you touch the whole person, the intellect, the spirit, and the emotions." - Jane Harrington "Listen to what you know through your body." - Frances Payne Adler "I will be the gladdest thing under the sun!
This article explores the importance of emotions in the European Union (EU), highlighting their role in shaping the EU’s self-image as a foreign policy actor and promoting social cohesion through emotion norms. Emotion norms are shared feeling rules that underpin collective identities and experience...
This new theory makes it possible to see how emotions change over time, how emotions have a very important impact on the shape of history, and how different social orders either facilitate emotional life or make it more difficult. This theory is fully explored in a case study of the French...
Using a survey experiment I demonstrate that emotions significantly influence the environmental attitudes of participants. My findings offer support for the application of affective intelligence theory to environmental communication.doi:10.1080/1533015X.2010.510025...