Women'sandChildren'sHealthNetwork Feelingsandemotions Kids'HealthTopic Whatarefeelingsandemotions? Nobodycanhelphavingfeelings-theyarepartofeveryone.Wefeeldifferentthingsallday longasdifferentthingshappentous. Sometimeswefeelsad-eg.whensomeonewelovegoesaway. Sometimeswefeelhappy-eg.whenwearehavingfunplaying. ...
Feelings_and_Emotions_情感和情绪 Feelings and Emotions 情感和情绪◎Bitesize Sometimes we feel sad —like when someone we love goes away.Sometimes we feel happy —like when we are having fun with friends.Sometimes we feel scared, angry, guilty, lonely, 1)embarrassed or worried. It is ...
Everyone has experienced emotions and everybody knows what they are - at least, we think we know. Asked for an explanation, the response will likely be something along the lines of "happiness is an emotion" or "if I'm scared of something, it is also an emotion." Such imprecise and in...
English Library 1月27日 19:45 赞助 Worksheets: Feelings and Emotions Рабочиелистыдляработыслексикойпотеме "Чувстваиэмоции" 最新动态: Phonics - Word families (at,am,an,ad,ap,ag,ot,og,op,et) ...
Again, it’s up to you whether you’d like to share your feelings, given that the context is appropriate and non-offensive for you or the audience. If you want to do as the locals do, then talk about your emotions roundaboutly. ...
3.符合功能意念项目表中的第3条情感(Emotions). 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。——诸葛亮 4.符合话题项目表中的第7条情感与情绪(Feelingsandmoods) 1.你有笔友吗?你的笔友长相如何?性格怎样? 主题单元2.第一次离开父母时你的感觉如何? 问题设计3.你会对人的外貌和性格进行询问吗? 4.你对事物的感觉能...
Write Eight EmotionsThink of and write eight emotions. Sample answers: happy, sad, proud, angry, timid, lonely, sorry, joyous. Fear: Triple Draw and Write Draw three things that make you afraid and write about each of these scary things. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. Things That Ma...
French expressions complements your language learning. In today’s episode you’ll learn how to translate your moods & feelings into words such as joy, anger, trust & confidence, boredom, and nostalgia. Let’s dive into the secret emotions of French people!
亮出你多彩的心情——《Feelings and Emotions》教学案例 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
Feeling wheels are useful tools for growing our awareness of our internal world. This new Emotion Behavior Wheel connects feelings and behaviors in a way that can grow insight into how emotions shape the behavior of ourselves and others.