用uEXPLORER PET/CT或uPMR790 PET/MR(均为上海联影医疗科技股份有限公司产品)显像仪进行检查,18F-FDG显像:检查前给予患者静脉注射18F-FDG[(185.0±18.5) MBq],随后患者在安静环境中等候 45~50 min,行PET扫描10 min或更长时间;18F-AV...
Foster NL. Validating FDG-PET as a biomarker for frontotemporal dementia. Exp Neurol 2003b; 184 (Suppl 1): S2-8.Foster NL. Validating FDG-PET as a biomarker for frontotemporal dementia. Exp Neurol 2003; 184 (Suppl. 1): S2-8Foster NL (2003) Validating FDG-PET as a biomarker for ...
18F-FDG显像:检查前给予患者静脉注射18F-FDG[(185.0±18.5) MBq],随后患者在安静环境中等候 45~50 min,行PET扫描10 min或更长时间;18F-AV45显像:显像剂注射剂量为(375.0±37.5) MBq,注射后患者在安静环境中等候 50 min,PET扫描20 min或更长时间;18F-PI-2620显像:显像剂注射剂量为(185.0±18.5) MBq, 注射...
Lieberman and T. Tasdizen, "Automatic classification of Alzheimer's Disease vs. Frontotemporal dementia: A spatial decision tree approach with FDG-PET", 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Paris, France, May 14 - 19, 2008, pp...
Clinical diagnoses classified the patients as right semantic variant of frontotemporal dementia (one case, C9svFTD), behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (two cases, C9bvFTD), and bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (three cases, C9bALS). The FDG-PET SPM revealed a prevalent frontal ...
18F-PI2620 PET/CT示左侧基底节区局灶性放射性摄取增高。头颅MRI提示中脑萎缩呈"蜂鸟征"。综上,临床诊断为进行性核上性麻痹。 治疗方法改善运动障碍及认知功能。 临床转归治疗后震颤症状无明显加重,晚期出现典型眼征。 适合阅读人群核医学科;神经内科 关键词: 进行性核上性麻痹;正电子发射断层显像;多巴胺转运体...
In a direct comparison, FDG-PET proved superior to MRI with arterial spin labelling (ASL) for diagnosing and differentiating various forms of dementia; however, there remains a need for the latter modality, according to a Belgian study published in the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Mol...
Dementia is a major burden for many countries including South Korea, where life expectancy is continuously growing and the proportion of aged people is rapidly growing. Neurodegenerative disorders, such as, Alzheimer disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia, Parkinson disease, progressiv...
Thus, our aim was to create a new [ 18 F]-FDG PET aging and dementia-specific template for spatial normalization, based on images derived from both age-matched controls and patients. We hypothesized that this template would increase spatial normalization accuracy and thereby preserve crucial ...
The mutation carriers who had undergone a cerebral FDG-PET scan at study inclusion (n = 22) were included in the present study. A non-mutation carrier from the FTLDc was matched to every mutation carrier. Matching criteria applied were: subdiagnosis, gender, age, dementia severity (as ...