Samtools是一个常用的基因测序数据处理软件,它提供了多种操作和转换bam/sam文件的工具。其中,samtools sam to fastq命令可以将sam文件转换为fastq格式,方便后续数据分析。 使用方法 在终端中输入以下命令,即可将sam文件转换为fastq格式: samtools sam to fastq[input.bam]>[output.fastq] ...
Hi, it would be great if Bowtie 2 could move fastq read header comments to sam tags, similar to the "-C" function of BWA MEM. Although Bowtie 2 supports alignment of ubams (unlike BWA), which would preserve tags that already exist, unfor...
A modern compressor for genomic files (FASTQ, SAM/BAM/CRAM, VCF, FASTA, GFF/GTF/GVF, 23andMe...), up to 5x better than gzip and faster too - divonlan/genozip
Whole Exome Sequencing end-to-end pipeline. Starting from whole exome fastq files: Data QC, Adapter Trimming, Reference Genome Alignment, SAM/BAM Validation, Data Recalibration and Variant Calling. - mehdimerbah/WES