In 1966, Pope Paul VI issued Poenitemini, an apostolic constitution reorganizing the discipline of the Catholic Church. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are now the only required days of fast. The observance of Fridays as days of abstinence is now urged rather than, as formerly, made a matter ...
The Church teaches us, in no uncertain terms, that fasting is the highest external penance that anyone can perform, and thus should be preferred above all others.In fact, the Church even goes so far as to indicate that those who do not fast--whose bellies are continually satiated--areincap...
". The director ofNovaja GazetaDmitrij Fomintsev commented in turn that, according to the new provisions, journalists cannot talk about the central mystery of the Christian faith, without breaking the rules. This because the rules would ban any reporting of news that is not supported by clearl...