Not so with the Catholics. Their fasting rules, they change tremendously, including altering the Wednesday, Friday fast today beyond description, which comes from apostolic times. Today Catholics we’re lucky if the Catholics will not eat meat on Friday. That would be a major step....
Thousands search every year for things like Lent rules, Lent fasting, Catholic fasting rules, and Catholic Lent rules. So here are the Ash Wednesday fasting rules for Lent. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. TheCode of Canon Lawsays: Can...
It seems–at least as regard to race–the Church is trying to reconcile Critical Race Theory into the Social teaching of the Catholic Church. I hope that I am wrong, because it is just not possible. But. My favorite deacon and I were invited to a study day on zoom from the diocese. ...
For a complete list of Lenten activites at Holy Spirit, including rules of Fasting and Abstinence,... More » Easter Flower Fund Remember or honor a loved one this Easter by contributing to the flowers that will adorn the altar this Easter. Remembrances are $10 each. Please... ...
In the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church these Lenten days are a time of preparation. They are a time of personal repentance and sacrifice. These acts lead us to a point in which we are able to fully and joyfully participate in the Holy Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter ...
What is mandated duringLentis to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday – which means one full meal and two snack meals on those two days.This is called a fast. Also during Lent we are required by canon law to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during Lent.This is cal...
(Summorum pontificum) "oecumenizing" the ancient prayer of Good Friday for the Jews mixing in elements of the invalid Novus Ordo service using the New Calendar, the New Lectionary, or the new rubrics of 1964 or later using a church building where the Novus Ordo service...
All school rules have to apply to everyone, be it walk on the left, stand when a member of staff enters the room, ‘do up that top button’, or telling parents not to drive into the school (as we saw this week). Obviously extreme cases will bring exceptions, but you have to be ...
I used to beat myself up for not doing everything exactly correctly. I used to feel like I was a bad person, a sinner, if I didn’t go to Torah study every Saturday morning and have a full-on Shabbat dinner every Friday night. But anxiety is a real thing, and I finally had to...
To mortify and overcome ourselves in all things that hinder us from observing our rules; or from performing as we ought the ordinary actions of the day, as well spiritual and interior, as exterior; for all the faults committed in them proceed from our not being so much masters over ourselve...