Elizabeth of Portugal, which are of his own composition, desired that the Breviary hymns which it must be admitted are sometimes trivial in style and irregular in their prosody, should be corrected according to grammatical rules and put into true metre. To this end he called in the aid of ...
The judges were to be at least forty years old, of unimpeachable reputation, distinguished for virtue and wisdom, masters of theology, or doctors or licentiates of canon law, and they must follow the usual ecclesiastical rules and regulations. On September 17, 1480, Their Catholic Majesties ...
we stand side-by-side in the voting booths and in the jury boxes, we march side by side in the ranks of our military and we get along just fine, because we all recognize those basic, fundamental right-and-wrong rules of social behavior that came down from the Mountain with Moses, and...
we stand side-by-side in the voting booths and in the jury boxes, we march side by side in the ranks of our military and we get along just fine, because we all recognize those basic, fundamental right-and-wrong rules of social behavior that came down from the Mountain with Moses, and...
or order of public or social or other worship of any church in any other manner or by any other authority than in the manner and by the authority provided in the laws, regulations, practice, discipline, rules, and usages of the religious denomination or ecclesiastical governing body, if any...
To the National Legislature was also given power to declare war; to maintain and equip an army and a navy; to exercise exclusive legislative power over such tract as may, by cession of particular states, become the capital of the United States; to make all needful rules and regulations ...
If we consider their rules, the monks may be divided into two classes: solitaries and cenobites. The soliaries had various names, according to their habitat or the exercises which they practiced. They were known as hermits or recluses if they provided their own necessities of life or accepte...
sanctification of the laity, but which do not require the help of the clergy: private prayer, fasting and abstinence, avoidance of servile work on Sundays and holy days of obligation, and, lastly, in general all that relates to the moral life and the observance of the commandments of God....
Plainsong, as venerable a relic of antiquity as any part of the ritual, is composed for the Latin text only, supposes always the Latin syllables and the Latin accent, and becomes a caricature when it is forced into another language with different rules of accent. These considerations of ...
Some of the rules were, however, found too burdensome, and a treatise of the Mishna (Erubin) tempers their rigor by subtle devices. The Sabbath in the New Testament.—Christ, while observing the Sabbath, set himself in word and act against this absurd rigorism which made man a slave of...