一、LIO_SAM对于intensity值使用解读 1.1 作为反射率给点云上色 1.2 作为关键帧的索引的使用 1.3 为什么索引还会是小数? 二、FAST_LIO对intensity值的使用 2.1 Livox雷达的(目标)反射率到底是什么? 2.2 用intensity提取车道线 2.3 用intensity对点云上色 三、激光语义(半)自动化提取 3.1 激光语义常见类别 ROS 的...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO withRe-localizationfunction module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. ...
阅读本文需要有一定的LIO_SAM的基础[1],会在它基础上进行介绍FAST_LIO[2] ,同时代码的注释版本参考[3] ;不再提取角点/面点特征,直接使用原始点云,节省了更多的计算资源; 一、C语言库的相关函数内容 1.1 memset( )函数 C 库函数 void *memset(void *str, int c, size_t n) 用于将一段内存区域设置为指...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO withRe-localizationfunction module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. ...
ros2 launch rm_nav_bringup bringup_real.launch.py \ world:=YOUR_WORLD_NAME \ mode:=nav \ lio:=fastlio \ localization:=slam_toolbox \ lio_rviz:=False \ nav_rviz:=True Tips: 栅格地图文件和 pcd 文件需具为相同名称,分别存放在 src/rm_nav_bringup/map 和src/rm_nav_bringup/PCD 中,...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO with Re-localization function module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. UGV Demo: Model Predic...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO with Re-localization function module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. UGV Demo: Model Predic...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO withRe-localizationfunction module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. ...
ros2 launch rm_nav_bringup bringup_real.launch.py \ world:=YOUR_WORLD_NAME \ mode:=nav \ lio:=fastlio \ localization:=slam_toolbox \ lio_rviz:=False \ nav_rviz:=True Tips: 栅格地图文件和 pcd 文件需具为相同名称,分别存放在 src/rm_nav_bringup/map 和src/rm_nav_bringup/PCD 中,启...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO with Re-localization function module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. UGV Demo: Model Predic...