A comprehensive analysis of fast food packaging in the US shows that many restaurants use food packaging containing highly fluorinated chemicals, or PFASs. The findings suggest that fast food packaging may be a source of exposure to toxic chemicals, raising concerns about potential health effects....
there is another reason to resist the temptation to indulge in fast food. The greaseproof packaging holding your burger and fries may contain potentially harmful fluorinated chemicals that can leach into food, according to a new peer-reviewed ...
This group of chemicals contains some most powerful carcinogens that pose human cancer risk. PAHs usually occur when fat drips into fire, and smoke and flames that rise up onto food often leave PAHs (Thomas, 2002, para. 16). A study of PAHs in foods found that margarine, mayonnaise...
Harmful Chemicals in Fast Food Per- or poly-fluorochemicals, also called PFCs, are chemicals that are used to make water-, grease-and stain-repellent coatings for many products, according to theEnvironmental Working Group(EWG). These chemicals are often found in the wrappings of fast food meal...
Labs tested more than 100 food packaging products from 24 restaurant and grocery chains across the country.
From the calories to the additives,there are many reasons why fast food is unhealthy,but a new study of a deadly chemical called PFAS reveals the packaging that contains it may also be doing harm to our bodies.PFAS or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances,refers to a class of chemicals used...
Know that fast food can satisfy our day by day calories requirements; not only it gives us calories, but it also harms our health with other ingredients. For instance, fast food is high in soaked fats and trans fats. In addition, it has additives, chemicals, and artificial flavors. Fast ...
Next time you order a Big Mac, Whopper or Sweetgreen salad, consider this: The wrappers and containers your food comes in have been found to contain toxic chemicals that can contaminate your drinking water, harm wildlife and make you sick.
Better Fast Food & Fast Casual Restaurant Packaging (Still Yikes!) Packaging from these restaurants was sent to an EPA-certified laboratory looking for indications of PFAS “forever chemicals” and was found to have some issues, however, they were not above the action level of California which ...
Think you know everything about your favorite restaurant chains? Think again! We bet you've never heard these fast-food secrets.