The intra and inter-process comparison shows no difference between Fast DDS and Cyclone DDS for any of the payloads considered. This equal throughput result for all DDS implementations is because all implementations are able to support the dataflow of the Apex.AI testing, which fails to push the...
Fast-RTPS 的ThroughputTest CycloneDDS的ThroughputPublisher 和ThroughputSubscriber 示例 OpenSplice的Throughput/publisher and Throughput/subscriber 示例。 配置相同的DDS服务质量(QoS)参数。 使用UDPv4作为传输层进行的。 在同一台计算机(本地主机)上以及通过以太网连接的独立计算机(双主机)中运行发送方和读取方的。 ...
Fast-RTPS commit:0bcafbde1c6fa3ef7285819980f932df910dba61 CycloneDDS commit: aa5236dea46b82e6db26a0c87b90cedeca465524 OpenSplice version:v6.9 DDS QoS 的配置如下:可靠性(Reliability):RELIABLE 历史记录类型(History kind):KEEP_ALL 持久性(Durability):VOLATILE 结论 : 本地主机...
PC1 using IP for cyclonedds/examples/helloworld/publisher.c PC2 using IP for app/fastdds/src/fastrtps/examples/cpp/dds/HelloWorldExample/build/ $./DDSHelloWorldExample subscriber By side of cyclonedds, I changed: DomainID: 0x00000000u TopicName: "HelloWorldTopic" type...
Contributor It gets tested every night in the ROS 2 CI, so no, there are no issues to get Cyclone DDS and Fast-DDS / Fast-RTPS (the two are the same as far as the networking parts are concerned) to communicate. I would recommend looking at the network interfaces (configured with Gener...
fastdds cyclonedds 中间件 岗位职责: 1、负责汽车智能驾驶系统的嵌入式软件开发; 2、负责汽车智能驾驶系统中间件的软件架构设计和软件开来自BOSS直聘发; 3、能正确分boss析系统需求,根据架构设计实现软件模块和子系统; 4、在产品生命周期内对软件模块和子系统进行调试、测试、维护和故障排除。 任职条件: 1、本科以...
A CLI for Fast DDS: This can be used to launch a discovery server Clean SHM directories with one command Shared memory transport enabled by default Solved edge-case interoperability issue with CycloneDDS Version 2.0.1 This release includes the following bug fixes: Fixed sending GAPs to late jo...
A CLI for Fast DDS: This can be used to launch a discovery server Clean SHM directories with one command Shared memory transport enabled by default Solved edge-case interoperability issue with CycloneDDS Version 2.0.1 This release includes the following bug fixes: ...
HOSTNAMES = ["__Hostname", "dds.sys_info.hostname"] HOSTNAMES = ["__Hostname", "dds.sys_info.hostname", ""] PROCESS_NAMES = ["__ProcessName", "dds.sys_info.executable_filepath"] PIDS = ["__Pid", "dds.sys_info.process_id"] PIDS = ["__Pid",...
A CLI for Fast DDS: This can be used to launch a discovery server Clean SHM directories with one command Shared memory transport enabled by default Solved edge-case interoperability issue with CycloneDDS Version 2.0.1 This release includes the following bug fixes: Fixed sending GAPs to late jo...