The Long 15 is a location in the Mojave Wasteland added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. In pre-War days, U.S. Interstate 15 ran through the state of California as well as parts of Nevada. In the post-War wasteland, following the creatio
Still can't explore after completing game Graphics still look pretty badVerdict: Fallout NV is sort of a Fallout 3.5, but it is still great game to play that improves on a number of things. Still a good game.8 /10. उपयोगी•16 3 ...
OutfitVeronicaHood Veronica’s Hood 0016A26F ArmorBoomerWeldingHelmet Welding Helmet 0010A0D0 CowboyHat04 Rattan Cowboy Hat 0010A427 CowboyHat05 Old Cowboy Hat 0010A428 HatNVPsychicNullifier Psychic Nullifier 000EADDF OutfitRaul Raul Armor 0014B053 HatRaul Raoul Hat 0014B054 VaultSuit...
Arcade is one of two companions who are openly gay, the other being Veronica Santangelo. Arcade is the most intelligent companion, with an Intelligence of 10, and is the most charismatic companion, with a Charisma of 6. Arcade is taller than most non-player characters, as well as the ...
A Cuter Veronica Felicia Day edition– When I met follower Veronica and realized that she was voiced by Felicia Day, I wanted to make the character look like her. Found this mod. AFTER YOU ARE DONE WITH EVERYTHING BE SURE TO DO “AUTOMATIC PLUGIN SORTING” IN NMM AS DESCRIBED AT THE TO...
The level of conversation in Fallout: New Vegas can be typical of Fallout 3 at times but also has the ability to take you by surprise and none moreso than when my companion, Veronica, suddenly erupted into a tale of her life when all I wanted to do was to ask for her help to craft...
If you're buddies with Caesar's Legion or attack NCR people, you'll have trouble hanging onto Cass, Arcade, or Boone. If you're aggressive around the Brotherhood of Steel, Veronica'll ditch you. Near as I can tell, Raul and Lily don't much care who you're working for. The non-...
Veronica Santangelo 000e32aa 000e32a9 Veronica 188-Handelsposten Aerotech Office Park Name Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location Bert Gunnarsson 000f839b 000f83a4 1EBertGunnarson Aerotech-Bürokomplex Captain Parker 000f839a 000f83a3 1ECaptainParker Aerotech-Bürokomplex Frank Weathers 000...
Veronica Santangelo: "Just my parents, but they haven't been around for a long time. Dad was a Paladin, Mom was a Scribe. They died in the same battle trying to hold off the NCR from... something. I don't remember what it was. Guess it seemed important at the time."The Courier...
(Dean Domino's and Dog and God's dialogue) Note: NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 ↑ The Courier: "That name carved on your chest... are you Dog?"God: "The carving's a reminder, for mirrors and for Dog. Dog, who you heard coming in, howling and hungry, as always. I've been trapped...