0015D79D VMS55 3 0 Player entered with Veronica, and is now directed to see Elder McNamara. 0015D79D VMS55 10 0 Player either snuck in or used a password, and has now been tasked with proving him/herself by dealing with the Ranger who's set up shop topside. 0015D79D VMS55 15...
Veronica Santangelo 000e32aa 000e32a9 Veronica 188-Handelsposten Aerotech Office Park Name Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location Bert Gunnarsson 000f839b 000f83a4 1EBertGunnarson Aerotech-Bürokomplex Captain Parker 000f839a 000f83a3 1ECaptainParker Aerotech-Bürokomplex Frank Weathers 000...
OutfitVeronicaRobes Veronica’s Armored Robes 0014823E CowboyHat02 Cattleman Cowboy Hat 001083E0 CowboyHat03 Rawhide Cowboy Hat 001083E1 ArmorFiendHelmet01 Fiend Battle Helmet 000E89F3 MS04AmorousAttire Naughty Nightwear 000C8E07 ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat NCR Ranger Combat Armor 00129254 Armor...
Mikoto's BP CC Veronicahttp://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36226Mikoto's BP CC Arcadehttp://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36224Mikoto's BP CC individual packs allow the choice of replacing only select companions with visual overhauls....
If you're buddies with Caesar's Legion or attack NCR people, you'll have trouble hanging onto Cass, Arcade, or Boone. If you're aggressive around the Brotherhood of Steel, Veronica'll ditch you. Near as I can tell, Raul and Lily don't much care who you're working for. The non-...
This is also true for Veronica Santangelo. It is also possible to have Rex, Raul, and Arcade at the same time.[verified] After dismissing Arcade as a companion to the Old Mormon Fort, he sometimes becomes un-recruitable again through dialogue. Dismiss your non-humanoid companion (ED-E or ...
This can also happen to Veronica Santangelo as a companion on PC. This can be fixed by going into the dismissal terminal, either at the Gun Runners or the Lucky 38, and dismissing all companions, and then retrieving them again later. Fast traveling may also work.[verified] ...
DPS (reload) + 2 Crit dmgCrit % mult 0 x1 Attacks/secAP 0.7 24 Other WeightValue 0.5 50 Item HP 5 Editor ID NVDLC05WeapGrenadeNuka Form ID xx000818 Perk effects The Nuka-grenade is a weapon added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal.Contents1...
VeronicaClassBrotherhood of Steel Scribe756367337Unarmed, Energy Weapons, Science001476AA VillageLeaderVillage Leader565744435Barter, Melee Weapons, Speech00015677 VillagerVillager654545534Barter, Medicine, Melee Weapons00015678 VWastelandBanditGunsWasteland Gunslinger566345433Guns, Melee Weapons, Survival0015F16F ...
cosmic knife(1) Workbench¹ Repair: 25 Dead Moneyadd-on Cosmic knife clean (1) ¹ Craftable without a workbench via a dialogue option withVeronica, or withED-Eonce the add-onLonesome Roadis installed. Variants Cosmic knife Cosmic knife super-heated ...