001467B4 Veronica Dialogue 00154151 Victor in Boulder City 0015FFEC Victor In Novac 00161E96 Vikki and Vance Winnings Threshold Quest 001446AF VMQ03a Timer 0013F373 VMQ03b Timer 00161898 VMS08 Quest timer 00152E8A VMS30HealTimer1 00152E8B VMS30HealTimer2 00152E8C VMS30HealTimer3...
This is also true for Veronica Santangelo. It is also possible to have Rex, Raul, and Arcade at the same time.[verified] After dismissing Arcade as a companion to the Old Mormon Fort, he sometimes becomes un-recruitable again through dialogue. Dismiss your non-humanoid companion (ED-E or ...
The level of conversation in Fallout: New Vegas can be typical of Fallout 3 at times but also has the ability to take you by surprise and none moreso than when my companion, Veronica, suddenly erupted into a tale of her life when all I wanted to do was to ask for her help to craft...
NVSlaveBackpack Slave Backpack 00127C6A ArmorTorcherMask Torcher’s Mask 000C7C4E ArmorWanderersLeather Wanderer’s Leather Armor 000C7C54 OutfitVeronicaRobes Veronica’s Armored Robes 0014823E CowboyHat02 Cattleman Cowboy Hat 001083E0 CowboyHat03 Rawhide Cowboy Hat 001083E1 ArmorFiendHel...
If you're buddies with Caesar's Legion or attack NCR people, you'll have trouble hanging onto Cass, Arcade, or Boone. If you're aggressive around the Brotherhood of Steel, Veronica'll ditch you. Near as I can tell, Raul and Lily don't much care who you're working for. The non-...
Completing the Lonesome Road DLC by stopping the missile launch in this quest, alongside all other Brotherhood quests in the base game, is the only way to reach Idolized with the Brotherhood legitimately. If the player character has a reputation that does not allow Veronica to become a follower...
This can also happen to Veronica Santangelo as a companion on PC. This can be fixed by going into the dismissal terminal, either at the Gun Runners or the Lucky 38, and dismissing all companions, and then retrieving them again later. Fast traveling may also work.[verified] ...
Jules 0013e307 0013e30a VOVNVJules Platz von Nord-Vegas Hausbesetzer Bill 000f3b86 000f3b8b 1ELandbesetzerWatchQuest1 Platz von Nord-Vegas Primm Name Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location Daniel Wyand 000a59e6 0015bc9e PrimmDeadCourier Außerhalb des Nash-Wohnhauses Deputy ...
Despite this, it is believed that by many in the NCR and even in theBrotherhood of Steelthat - similarly to the actual Roman empire - homosexuality is present within the military but on either a "don't ask, don't tell" basis to openly gay relationships. Veronica, when asked about the ...