This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc. GetStage <QuestID> –Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, ...
This command will print a list of all stages (completed and uncompleted) of the quest with the specified ID - useful for finding out quest stage numbers. ShowQuestStages < Quest ID > Copy Command Copy Full ShowQuestVars This command will print a list of variables used by the specified qu...
You don't really need to do that, because once you do, the NPCs in this settlement will just keep complaining.You can skip this quest phase with the console command.1,when you plant your first flag,and make Preston still loves you,The quest will tip. Talk to the ,you ...
It is also possible that you will fail one instance of this quest but immediately get another MILA and another quest target to place it (with no possibility to finish).[verified] One can use the console command setstage b926a 300 to fix this. The number of locations can be 9 if all...
Console command setstage 00140c3b 60 (this will complete the quest and teach you the new move) For unknown reasons, the dialogue option to cut down Anders from the crucifix won't show. PC users can fix this by entering addtopic AndersFree into the console, then talking to him again. ...
This can be fixed by resetting Medical Mystery with the console command resetquest 001214AB. Once Major Polatli comments on the missing medical supplies after completing the quest, it means the morale point is counted correctly for Restoring Hope. The "Diagnose Patients" bug may leave the player...
If Ronnie Shaw doesn't show after a few days, here is a way to have her and the Old Guns quest back:You can be at the castle.1) Install 'Ronnie Shaw Enabled ESL Patch' present in Miscellaneous Files. She should then be at the Castle.2) In the console, enter 'setstage aa778 60...
The Battle of Coquille turned into the Smouldering War, the next stage in the long-standing conflict between the New California Republic and the Oregon tribals. Dale, his friends, and other NCR troopers in Cascadia (as well as a multitude of FNA troopers) were forced to fight on an almost...
completequest<QuestID>— Completes the selected quest. caqs— Completes every quest in the game, whether you’ve started them or not. setstage<QuestID><Quest stage number>— Advances a quest to the desired stage. setobjectivedisplayed<QuestID><Quest stage number><Display(1)/Remove(0)>— Ch...
setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> Sets a quest to a specified objective, which can be used to drop back by an objective if bugs arise. Complete all Objectives CompleteAllObjectives <base id> Sets all objectives of the specified quest to ‘complete’. ...