SetStage DLC03MQ04 350 SetStage DLC03MQ04 450 SetStage DLC03MQ04 550 这样,即可拿到所有五个记忆全息卡带。注意,必须在原子核会指挥中心内部,操作打开终端机后,才能输入代码命令;获取5个记忆全息卡带后,再用哔哔小子逐一播放一下,就会触发接下来的任务。 最后,控制台输入Completequest DLC03MQ04,结束任务。
This command will print a list of all stages (completed and uncompleted) of the quest with the specified ID - useful for finding out quest stage numbers. ShowQuestStages < Quest ID > Copy Command Copy Full ShowQuestVars This command will print a list of variables used by the specified qu...
Using the bell and waiting for an in-game hour (using the Wait option) will cause the NPCs to spawn near the bell. The quest may randomly fail at any stage due to a bug in the script. Reloading a save and trying again will sometimes allow the quest to be completed....
Spoils of War is a Brotherhood of Steel main quest in Fallout 4. Proctor Ingram explains that in order to fully power up Liberty Prime, they need a beryllium agitator. The only beryllium agitator available is located in the Mass Fusion building. Ingram i
Console command: Setstage DogmeatQuest 999I spared Kellogg, traveled to Greenetech, killed the Courser, and got the chip. How do I analyze the chip?Open the "Courser Chip Decoder & Schematics" in your inventory, and click on the option that says "Decode Courser Chip". If that's not ...
completequest<QuestID>— Completes the selected quest. caqs— Completes every quest in the game, whether you’ve started them or not. setstage<QuestID><Quest stage number>— Advances a quest to the desired stage. setobjectivedisplayed<QuestID><Quest stage number><Display(1)/Remove(0)>— Ch...
If you talk to Jack first, you can immediately teach him all the recipes, this however will result in the quest being stuck. Teaching Jack the first 3 recipes before speaking to Diane does not bug the quest. [verified] Console command setstage 00140c3b 60 (this will complete the ques...
Here is a (in no way complete) list of mods that I recommend or others have recommended and I intend to use in the future. I'm not going to get into load orders or whether or not some of these have compatibility issues between each other. This list will assume some level of ...
Set Quest Objective Level setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> Sets a quest to a specified objective, which can be used to drop back by an objective if bugs arise. Complete all Objectives CompleteAllObjectives <base id> Sets all objectives of the specified quest to ‘complete’. ...
If one has recovered the data drives and DiMA is dead, the quest can be completed by using the console command setstage xx04B1F6 400. This will remove two data drives from the player character's inventory, complete Data Recovery and update the parent quest, Acadian Ideals. There is a thi...