Then do console command: setstage DP_MurphysLaw 70One of the mod's companions got lostUse the "Teleport Depravity Companions to you" holotape to teleport them back to you, which should be added to your inventory automatically after first meeting the companions. Each companion also has a copy...
On PC, this may be fixed using console command setstage bos100fight 1. If this does not work, setstage bos100 40 will advance the quest, but may cause other issues later on. A complication with using setstage bos100fight 1 occurs if Haylen is permanently disabled due to the bug: pro...
PC players can use the following console command to set the quest as completed: setstage bos303 255 If the Vertibirded need to board is destroyed just before accepting the quest while Ingram is outside, for example when the quest Liberty Reprimed is available, Ingram and the pilot will be...
Workaround: Click Bussard via the console to get his ID; note it down as well in case you need to use it later for the 'prid' command. Then use 'moveto player'. Farnsworth and Bussard talk to another Reaver named Weizman, so all three of them accompany you. Head back down the ap...
1 Press ~ (tilde), ' (apostrophe) or ` (grave) on your keyboard to open the console 2 Type in a command and press ENTER to run it. More Help Jump to Commands Fallout 4 Guides No Clip Walk through walls! Add XP Give yourself a boost! Heal Command Take your health from 0 to...
If one has recovered the data drives and DiMA is dead, the quest can be completed by using the console command setstage xx04B1F6 400. This will remove two data drives from the player character's inventory, complete Data Recovery and update the parent quest, Acadian Ideals. There is a thi...
Console command setstage 00140c3b 60 (this will complete the quest and teach you the new move) For unknown reasons, the dialogue option to cut down Anders from the crucifix won't show. PC users can fix this by entering addtopic AndersFree into the console, then talking to him again. ...
迪耿是一名鐵路組織探员,2287年活动于联邦。他是辐射4中一名可选的队友。 迪耿是合成人解放组织——铁路的一名探员。人们对他加入铁路之前的历史知之甚少,而且他也承认了他对自己的历史说过谎。此外,他宣称自己是最初被解放的第三代合成人之一,是2210年代铁路最初的创立
Quotes By “It's a rough place, but you get used to it. Not the worst place to raise a family.”— Dale Willis remarking on the Boneyard “ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOUR STEPDAUGHTER?!?”— Dale Willis in Catalina Casino to Mason Jeffrey ...
Pressing the console key will pause the game, remove the HUD, and give a text prompt (|) in the lower left corner of the screen. Simply type in a command and press enter for the effect to take place. When typing commands, replace any text surrounded by <> brackets with the required ...