GetStage < Quest ID > Copy Command Copy Full sqt SQT stands for Show Quest Target - this command will print a list of targets for your current quests. The quest IDs of these quests will also be printed to the console, as a result, this command is commonly used to find out quest ID...
This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc. GetStage <QuestID> –Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, ...
GetQuestCompleted— Tells you if your current quest is complete or not. sqt— Gives a list of all current quest targets. completequest<QuestID>— Completes the selected quest. caqs— Completes every quest in the game, whether you’ve started them or not. setstage<QuestID><Quest stage numbe...
Fallout 4 Far Harbor Review 24 May 2016 Quest stagesCollapseQuest stages StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry 10 Travel to C.I.T. Virgil has instructed me to travel to the old C.I.T. ruins and see if I can pick up a signal from a Courser using my Pip-Boy. 15 Tune to Courser's Radio ...
CollapseQuest stages StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry 100 Investigate radio broadcast I heard a radio broadcast by a man named Rex. He was begging to be rescued from super mutants who have taken him captive in Trinity Tower. 200 Unlock cage I've rescued Rex from the super mutants holding him ...
↑ Spoils of War quest stage description: "In order to restart Liberty Prime's reactor core, I need to recover the 'Beryllium Agitator' from the ruins of Mass Fusion. I should board a vertibird and head over there as soon as possible." ↑ The Sole Survivor: "How can a 'Beryllium Agit...
Added Bypass to go around the station of "The Dig" for the tunnel from Postal Square to Medical Center. Locked doors to "The Dig" behind key found in "The Dig" to prevent quest stage skipping. Renamed "The Dig <-> Medical Center" to "Medical Center <-> Postal Square" and "Abandoned...
When you get a new quest, it will not become active unless you have no other active quests. Check the Quests section in your Pip-Boy to see which quests are active. If you have too many quest targets, check the Quests section of your Pip-Boy to see if you have more than one active...
Get Objective getstage Gets the objective level of a quest. Set Quest Objective Level setstage <Quest Objective> Sets a quest to a specified objective, which can be used to drop back by an objective if bugs arise. Complete all Objectives...
4. The bug report is highly specific and confirmed by multiple people.5. If you don't provide details, then the bug must be obvious and easy to replicate within 5 minutes. If you're going to make absolute claims like "quest X doesn't start", but I can start it, and 100 other ...