SetStage DLC03MQ04 550 这样,即可拿到所有五个记忆全息卡带。注意,必须在原子核会指挥中心内部,操作打开终端机后,才能输入代码命令;获取5个记忆全息卡带后,再用哔哔小子逐一播放一下,就会触发接下来的任务。 最后,控制台输入Completequest DLC03MQ04,结束任务。 港湾惊魂-主线任务:最好别想起来③[提取迪玛记忆2]...
SetStage RVR_DontFeartheReavers 20 It will then give you that big notification and tell you to help the npcs in Spencer town. There are five side quests here which you can get from npcs, but you only need to do one for completion of the "Don't Fear the Reavers Quest". ...
Force start "Confidence Man" using console command: setstage MS14 10. Or use the "Diamond City Management Holotape" to start the quest after becoming mayor of Diamond City.You can force-start "Diamond City Blues" via the "Diamond City Management Holotape" by choosing "Get Mayoral quests",...
任务“人类重新定义”完成后,“麻州核聚变厂”任务会触发,先不要与艾莉·菲尔摩(Allie Filmore)对话,控制台输入代码命令setstage rr201 8900,“地底潜入行动”任务会显示失败,任务“燃烧的遮蔽物”会触发。然后,至铁路总部(Railroad HQ)与戴斯蒙娜(Desdemona)对话,告诉她你被踢出了学院(The Institute),而后选择对话...
Fire Support is a Brotherhood of Steel main quest in Fallout 4. While traveling near Lexington and College Square (or just south of the Corvega assembly plant if heading southeast from Concord), the Sole Survivor's Pip-Boy will pick up a military radio b
This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc. GetStage <QuestID> –Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, ...
若玩家此时未完成主线任务“危险的大脑(Dangerous Minds)”,可用控制台设置任务进度,直接触发寻求阿玛利博士(Doctor Amari)帮助,输入setstage 0016454e 150,即可。 在与阿玛利博士(Doctor Amari)对话之后,阿玛利博士(Doctor Amari)告诉玩家,她在为逃离学院(The Institute)的合成人(Synth)G5-19进行危险的记忆清除程序...
如果有无法进入回忆躺椅的同学,请在此时用控制台输入 player.setstage shoddyquest 110 ...
If one has recovered the data drives and DiMA is dead, the quest can be completed by using the console command setstage xx04B1F6 400. This will remove two data drives from the player character's inventory, complete Data Recovery and update the parent quest, Acadian Ideals. There is a thi...
Mercer Safehouse is a Railroad side quest in Fallout 4. To start this quest, talk to P.A.M. inside the Railroad Headquarters anytime after completing the mission Boston After Dark and starting Butcher's Bill. She will instruct the player to construct a n