There are 3 dialogue options, or 4 with low Intelligence: Telling Tabitha the "dumb-dumbs" are taking over, which requires a 75 Speech check, will cause her to sentence them (non-nightkin super mutants) to death. Fighting will then break out between the super mutants and nightkin. The ...
(Fcdrwong.msg)Note:This is a lowIntelligencedialogue option. ↑The Chosen One:"{107}{}{Who are you?}" Ken Lee:"{120}{}{I am Ken Lee. I am the advisor to the Emperor of the Shi. I bring forth the wisdom of the Emperor. And who are you?}" ...
[3]在这两个派系之间,在莫哈韦废土上,在技术上符合掠夺者定义的较小的帮派继续存在,例如维加斯外围地区的油脂族和蝎子帮,而老帮派则采用新的身份或传统的掠夺者路线继续奋斗,例如大汗帮和恶魔帮。 首都废土 主页面:Raiders (Fallout 3) 典型的首都废土掠夺者 首都废土的掠夺者大多是充满敌意、无法无天、药物成瘾...
(Raul Tejada's dialogue) ↑ The Courier: "What happened then?"Raul Tejada: "About two dozen men came back in the night, after we'd gone to sleep. They set fire to the ranch house and barred the doors from the outside. My whole family was trapped inside. I smelled the smoke and...
(Bowditch's dialogue) ↑ Gameplay effects of Tesla armor in Fallout 3. ↑ Vault 51 terminal entries; terminal, Re: Hellfire Prototype Requisition Request ↑ Enclave scientist Whitley: "Yes sir, I understand that we need the duraframe assets for Hellfire armor, but, no sir. Yes, sir. I...
choices to make. A player could be a kleptomaniac obsessed with caps and scraps, a charismatic smooth-talking cowboy, or a power-armored guardian with a soft spot for ghouls. They could even choose to set their intelligence so low that all dialogue options are ridiculous and rather unhelpful...
3. Intelligence Image View Gallery The smarter you are, the faster you learn. While a low-intelligence build can be fun for a playthrough to experience the changes it brings, I tend toward high-intelligence characters. I want to earn the maximum number of skill points per level and I...
This is a unique, genetically engineered intelligent radscorpion. It has been so extensively modified it now possesses the ability to speak, and can play chess. You can challenge it inPerception,AgilityandIntelligence. Giant radscorpion Gameplay articles:Fallout 3,Fallout: New Vegas ...
Fallout 3 World Map Cheat Codes While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Cheat Code God mode, infinite ammo, and infinite weight capacity tgm No clipping ...
No Dialogue Zoom - prevent the camera zooming in when entering dialogueNo Drop Weapon Sound On Player Death - prevent the 'clunk' of items being unequipped when dyingNo Explosion In Face Blur - remove the radial blur when an explosion occurs nearbyNo Hotkey Equip Sounds - prevent equip/...