Made Manis areputation titleinFallout 2. Obtaining TheChosen Onegets this title by joining one of the four mafia families inNew Renoand having anIntelligenceabove 4. For each mafia family there is a chain of quests, upon the completion special ones they can become a Made Man of that family...
A Courier with low Intelligence will end up taking Raul's sarcasm literally.Effects of player's actionsIf the player obtains Raul as a companion before dealing with Tabitha, she will broadcast her displeasure through her radio station, saying "No! I won't let you take my Raul!" Afterward,...
Drive off without doing any of the above. This doesn't always work, and you may end up having to fight off everybody there. This will prevent you from receiving the trunk upgrade, but with very lowIntelligence(less than 4) it may be your only option. A relatively easy way to solve t...
choices to make. A player could be a kleptomaniac obsessed with caps and scraps, a charismatic smooth-talking cowboy, or a power-armored guardian with a soft spot for ghouls. They could even choose to set their intelligence so low that all dialogue options are ridiculous and rather unhelpful...
(Fcdrwong.msg)Note:This is a lowIntelligencedialogue option. ↑The Chosen One:"{107}{}{Who are you?}" Ken Lee:"{120}{}{I am Ken Lee. I am the advisor to the Emperor of the Shi. I bring forth the wisdom of the Emperor. And who are you?}" ...
掠夺者(英文名:"raider" )是废土俚语,指那些靠谋杀和掠夺为生的人。虽然存在替代术语,例如“强盗”、“不法之徒”或“黑帮”,但它们并未普遍适用。掠夺者通常袭击孤独的旅行者和小城镇,留下更大的群体和人口更多的定居点,假如人数足够多,他们会对整个地区构成威胁
While a low-intelligence build can be fun for a playthrough to experience the changes it brings, I tend toward high-intelligence characters. I want to earn the maximum number of skill points per level and I often take many of the Intelligence-related perks on every playthrough. Invest in ...
🧠Intelligence (15) Stabilized (3): While in power armor, heavy guns are more accurate and ignore 45% of armor. Science (2): Energy weapons deal 10% more damage. Science Expert (2): Energy weapons deal 10% more damage. Science Master (2): Energy weapons deal 10% more damage. ...
Liz Martins, economist at HSBC, said the combination of a weaker economy, higher costs and new scope for artificial intelligence-related efficiencies felt “like a perfect storm” for the jobs market. Last week, retailer J Sainsbury said it was axing 3,000 jobs, from its head office to its...
** Kenya has canceled a procurement process of more than $2 billion that was expected to give control of its main airport to the Adani Group. The deal was to add a second runway at the Jomo Kenyatta international airport and upgrade the passenger terminal. Kenya also...