3. Intelligence Image View Gallery The smarter you are, the faster you learn. While a low-intelligence build can be fun for a playthrough to experience the changes it brings, I tend toward high-intelligence characters. I want to earn the maximum number of skill points per level and I...
(Vcskeeve.msg) Note: These lines are only available should the Chosen One have a sufficiently low Intelligence character. Lines 209 and 210 are alternates should the player be traveling with companions or not.↑ The quest rewards for dealing with the Gecko's nuclear power plant at the ...
In spite of their low intelligence, the super mutants have adapted various sections of the bunker in an ad hoc fashion, such as medical recovery rooms turned into makeshift prison cells to hold the defective results of mutation.[11][12][13][14] ...
A Courier with low Intelligence will end up taking Raul's sarcasm literally.Effects of player's actionsIf the player obtains Raul as a companion before dealing with Tabitha, she will broadcast her displeasure through her radio station, saying "No! I won't let you take my Raul!" Afterward,...
(Fcdrwong.msg)Note:This is a lowIntelligencedialogue option. ↑The Chosen One:"{107}{}{Who are you?}" Ken Lee:"{120}{}{I am Ken Lee. I am the advisor to the Emperor of the Shi. I bring forth the wisdom of the Emperor. And who are you?}" ...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 3) 典型的首都废土掠夺者 首都废土的掠夺者大多是充满敌意、无法无天、药物成瘾的恶棍,他们游荡在华盛顿特区的荒野上。除了莫哈韦废土的恶魔帮外,他们与西海岸的掠夺部落几乎没有共同之处。遭遇他们都是些较小的团队,并配备有种类繁多的武器。 偶尔也会发现它们与护卫犬一起狩猎。 所有掠夺...
choices to make. A player could be a kleptomaniac obsessed with caps and scraps, a charismatic smooth-talking cowboy, or a power-armored guardian with a soft spot for ghouls. They could even choose to set their intelligence so low that all dialogue options are ridiculous and rather unhelpful...
🧠Intelligence (5) Gunsmith (5): Guns break 50% slower 🤸🏼Agility (5) Adrenaline (5): Gain 10% damage per kill up that stacks up to 60% for 30 seconds. Kills refresh the duration. 🎲Luck (11) Bloody Mess (3): You gain 15% bonus damage, and enemies may explode into gibs...
This is a unique, genetically engineered intelligent radscorpion. It has been so extensively modified it now possesses the ability to speak, and can play chess. You can challenge it inPerception,AgilityandIntelligence. Giant radscorpion Gameplay articles:Fallout 3,Fallout: New Vegas ...
You'll also get a fill-in-the-blanks children's book serving as your initial character creation tool. Fallout 3 is again based on the series' S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat system, consisting of strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility, and luck. ...