小型枪械是辐射、辐射2、辐射战略版以及辐射3中的技能。In Van Buren, it was merged into a more general Firearms skill. 各种小型热兵器的使用、保养与一般知识。包括手枪、半自动冲锋枪、散弹枪、突击步枪和步枪。 初始等级: 辐射: 35% + (1% x 敏捷)。标准的玩家角色初
Ammo types like .22 and .308, were also easy to use in multiple weapons. What are weapons with distinctive/iconic looks that can stand out from each other? Service and battle rifles are based on distinctive historical weapons, the slim 9mm pistol is easy to distinguish from the bulky ...
Ammo5mmRobot 000615A8 AmmoMirelurkKing 00056634 AmmoAntSpit 000B8791 AmmoElectronChargePack 0006B53E Ammo5mm 0006B53D Ammo308 0006B53C AmmoMissileRobot 00078CC5 Ammo556mmRobot 00078CC4 AmmoMicroFusionCellRobot 00078CC3 AmmoSmallEnergyCellRobot 00078CC2 AmmoFlamerFuelRobot 00078CC1 Amm...
CaliberX is a fusion of FluidFire's Caliber mod for NV with the xCalibr Ammo Pack from FO3. It provides a comprehensive, eye pleasing upgrade to Obsidian's complex and interesting ammunition system. CaliberX adds popular new rounds to the game, and extends the vanilla ammo with powerful ...
6 Ammo 6.1 Abbreviations:6.2 Conventional Ammunition 6.2.1 .223 FMJ6.2.2 .44 Magnum Round .44 Magnum FMJ .44 Magnum JHP6.2.3 5mm Round 5mm JHP 5mm AP6.2.4 9mm6.2.5 .45 acp Caliber6.2.6 10mm Round 10mm JHP 10mm AP...
guest Free plan |Upgrade account_circleMy profile My collections Tracking centre historyDownload history settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences All games Fallout 4 Mods Cheats and God items Cheat Terminal Endorsements 61,079 Unique DLs 1,054,744 ...
- Added ammo: .32 caliber round, 25mm grenade, Electron charge pack, Energy cell. - Updated the reload animation. - Added Specular textures (Adds a gloss effect). - Added Reloading bench. v1.4 - Added weapons: .357 Magnum revolver, 9mm pistol, Silenced .22 pistol, Police pistol, 5.56mm...
Gameplay articles: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout ShelterIn contrast with the L30 Gatling laser, this model is not only fully automatic and has a much larger ammo capacity, requiring a back-mounted battery pack, but was also mass produced for military use. While they entered service ...
damage of 41-45 per shot, which can be further increased by ammunition choice. Both JHP and AP 10mm pistol ammo is available in large quantities in the game world. Like the Silver 11mm revolver, firing this gun is only 3 AP per shot, so your characters can fill a foe full of lead ...
5.56 ammo,enter the door,then go back out,you can pickpocket his Infiltrator,drop it out there before re-entering the door,after The Hole fights you can then go back out to where Mex is and he will have another Infiltrator,plus the one you dropped will be where you placed it.(PS3) ...