Found in abundance throughoutthe Pitt. Notes InThe Pitt, 5mm rounds can be used to make other ammunition types in large quantities in theammo pressdue to their abundance and low value per round. When dropped, the world object for 5mm rounds has the largest size out of any other ammunition...
《辐射3 FALLOUT3》控制台-物品代码 QUOTE: Ammo(子弹) .308 Caliber Round 0006B53C .32 Caliber Round 000207F7 .44 Round Magnum 0002937E 10mm Round 00004241 5.56mm Round 00004240 5mm Round 0006B53D 5mm Round 000615A8 Alien Powercell 00029364 BB - Ammo 0002935B Bottlecap Mines 0000433A Dart ...
10mm 冲锋枪 (10mm SMG) 0006E7CC A3-21's 镭射步枪 (A3-21's Plasma Rifle) U 0006B5...
3 弹药狙击枪弹308 Caliber Round 0006B53C.32 Caliber Round 000207F7.44 Round Magnum 0002937E10mm Round 000042415.56mm Round 00078CC45.56mm Round 000042405mm Round 0006B53D5mm Round 000615A8Alien Powercell 00029364BB - Ammo 0002935BBottlecap Mines 0000433ADart 00047419Dart 0002936EElectron Charg...
5毫米 (5mm Round) 0006B53D 不多说了 外星能量电池(Alien Powercell) 00029364 外星枪 BB弹(BB - Ammo) 0002935B 不多说了 飞镖(Dart) 00047419 毒镖枪 电子充能包(Electron Charge Pack) 000615AF 镭射加特林 能量电池(Energy Cell) 00020772 镭射手枪 ...
3.0 05_itemloot DAV - Weighted Ammo Weight v0 poncratias 05_itemloot Missing Unique Weapons v...
The ammo press is a unique crafting station in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt. A machine consisting of a terminal used to operate it and a materials box at the bottom of the stairs where ammunition or scrap metal are required to be placed. The amount of a
辐射3中的小型枪械NAME DMG /SHOT DPS SPRD CRIT %MULT CRITDMG MDPS AMMO MAG WG VALUE V:W AP DMG/ AP HP TYPE .32 Pistol 6 30 0.5 x1 +6 31.5 .32 Caliber Round 5 2 110 55 20 0.30 100 Pistol 10mm Pistol 9 54 0.5 x1 +9 56.7 10mm Round 12 3 225 75 17 0.53 150 Pistol ...
对于这些连发型的武器,弹药总是值得注意的问题,因此在遇到任何一个商店或漫游商人时都应尽可能地补充弹药。幸运的是,5mm Round是最常见的弹药,卖掉从敌人身上得来的武器完全可以补足弹药的需求。另一方面,使用匹兹堡的Ammo Press来改装子弹能确保弹药的供应。
对于这些连发型的武器,弹药总是值得注意的问题,因此在遇到任何一个商店或漫游商人时都应尽可能地补充弹药。幸运的是,5mm Round是最常见的弹药,卖掉从敌人身上得来的武器完全可以补足弹药的需求。另一方面,使用匹兹堡的Ammo Press来改装子弹能确保弹药的供应。