15号避难所(英文名:Vault 15)是2241年新加州中的地点。15号避难所位于13号避难所以东9个方格 (辐射)或以东6个方格 ()。 这个大型地下避难所是为数不多的避难所之一,尽管为加强避难所的第三层而进行了额外的工作,以确保抵御地震,但其施工顺利且没有延误。[1]作为避难所科技进行的社会实验的一部分,只有具有完...
Vault 15 (Fallout, Fallout 2) One of the few Vaults you can visit in two different games, Vault 15 was an experiment to see how a population composed of a variety of cultures and backgrounds would get along when crammed into a confined space together for decades. In short: they didn't...
Explore Fallout games Fallout 76 Community in: Fallout 2 miscellaneous items English Vault 15 keycard View source Fallout 2 miscellaneous item Vault 15 keycardObject Icon Info Technical Icon Value Weight 25 1 pound “It's behind that door over there, but it's locked from the other side and...
阿里巴巴Fallout 辐射4 辐射小子2代7款摇头人偶Vault Boy 公仔,其他公仔、玩偶、娃娃,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是Fallout 辐射4 辐射小子2代7款摇头人偶Vault Boy 公仔的详细页面。造型是否卡通、动漫:是,品牌:国产,货号:AL-613998094767,规格:15cm
辐射2 PRU V29 稳定整合版来了 pclouds PRU更新到了V29,Novarain立马放出了汉化包,整合稳定版也跟上,整合内容: 1.GOG英文版,保证底层稳定 2.Novarain的RPU29汉化包 3.Novarain的RPU29地图更新包 4.Novarain的物品筛选器汉化版2.0.3 5.Novarain的Win10/11进入Vault City、Abbey、NCR容易报错补丁,Win11下...
玩家扮演的角色是避难所(Vault)的监督者(Overseer),规划建造一座避难所,增加避难所居民数量,并保证居民的心情指数。 辐射避难所美服特色 探索废土 派遣您的居民到地面上,去探索被炸毁后的地面废墟,让他们在“废土”中冒险,寻找可用的幸存物,或是直面无言的死亡;找到新的装甲和武器,增长经验,然后赚取“瓶盖”。但...
Vault 95, Where Recovering Addicts Met a Sick Fate Photo: Metaweb CC-BY Where to find it: South of the edge of the Glowing Sea and West of Somerville Place. 431 votes So creepy? 12 A Secret Submarine That Is Home to an Old Chinese Warlord Photo: Metaweb GNU Free Documentation License ...
此外,还有Vault 13、Vault 15也同样出现在世界地图上任人凭吊。 隐藏在二代中的幕后黑手竟然是战后的...
商品名称:Fallout4辐射4游戏周边手办摇头人偶辐射小子Vault Boy玩具公仔 #15 开锁 商品编号:10102511057797 店铺: 潮流动漫电影周边小店 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买! 注:因厂家会在没有任何提前通知的情况下更改...
The officer's vault number is branded on the back, in yellow, and a riot helmet comes with it, along with black polymer boots and gloves. Weighs 18 lbs. AC Bonus: 12, Norm. Resistance: 20%, Laser Resistance: 15%, Fire Resistance: 10%, Plasma Resistance: 5%, Exp. Resistance: 15%...