13号避难所(英文名:Vault 13) (被阿罗由的一些成员称为神圣13的避难所,[1]),是位于南部加州的避难所科技避难所。它的准确位置在沙蔭市和15号避难所以西,在玛丽博萨军事基地以东。这是放逐者的家。 13 号避难所的建设于2063年8月开始,并于2069年3月完成,这是西海岸最
- Vault-Tec Headquarters in Los Angeles which appeared very briefly in the intro of Fallout 1. - Brotherhood Ideology is more similar to that of the Classic Games - Code for Moldaver's Cold Fusion is the original release date of Fallout 1 (October 10th 1997) Fallout 2: - Reference to...
等他提及石块下藏着工具之后,再去翻找酒店右后方的石堆就可以找到一把扳手(注意,小孩未说出来之前就去翻石堆是找不着的),下一步是进Vault City市民区找Valerie,将扳手拿给她,过几天这后再回来,Valerie会送你一套超级工具组(Super Tool
The stone ring is a reference to the Star Trek episode, "City on the Edge of Forever". The Chosen One cannot leave Vault 13 until, messing around with a computer, he causes its water chip to fail, thus beginning the Vault Dweller's quest. ...
Replace of Vault Boy UI with Vault Girl 848KB 979 26.3k Known Plans User Interface Uploaded:13 Jan 2019 Last Update:14 Jan 2019 Author:reg2k Uploader:registrator2000 Indicates the plans and recipes that you have already learnt with an icon when trading with vendors, containers or other players...
Brainpower is a vault technology. Two products are Brainpower 4, a computer control program that was used in Vault 76, and the Brainpower 7, used in Vault 92.[1][2] Brainpower is mentioned in both Fallout 3 and Fallout 76. Cyberbrain v2.3
No less dastardly than we’d expect from a guy who’s basically some viscera with a face, wrapped round a giant computer screen. Don’t lose sleep over him though, because The Master is no more by the time the TV show’s timeline begins. However, discontinuous narrative was used ...
当战争爆发时,她被避难所科技邀请进入了92号避难所。他们声称,避难所将致力于保护音乐人才。阿加莎 92號避難所(英文名:Vault 92)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于2277年的首都废土。邀請了全世界最優秀的音樂家,跟他們說要在大戰發生時「保護音樂人才」。然而,这个避难
Behind the scenes The chem's name is a reference to Frank Herbert's novelDune, in which"Mentats"are humans trained for computer-like mathematical and logical computations. References Non-game ↑Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secretsp. 74:"This party drug was once favored for the boost it ga...
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: Con Dee Bradley Baker, Michael Bell, Earl Boen, Cam Clarke. The adventures of an initiate in the Brotherhood of Steel, a militant quasi-religious organization that has come to power in a post-apocalyptic world.