接下来前往Vault City的难民区,将会发现一个正大哭泣的男孩,帮他找回丢掉的娃娃,你可以在酒吧右侧围墙旁找到它,将娃娃还给小孩之后等待一会儿,注意那小孩的谈话内容,等他提及石块下藏着工具之后,再去翻找酒店右后方的石堆就可以找到一把扳手(注意,小孩未说出来之前就去翻石堆是找不着的),下一步是进Vault City市...
避难所(英文:Vault)™系列生存庇护所是一种加固的地下装置,由避难所科技公司与 美国政府签订合同美国人口免受核浩劫,这样美国就可以重新繁衍。[1]然而,除了少数受控制避难所外,避难所的主要目的是在美国人口身上进行实验,以进行科学研究。 尽管vault这个词有很多
In 2091, after receiving the all-clear signal, Vault 8 opened and Vault City was founded.[Non-game 14] A year later, the demonstration Vault in the ruins of Los Angeles opened. The inhabitants founded Adytum in what became known as the Boneyard.[Non-game 15] Years later, Vault 15 ...
↑ Vault City central computer: "{229}{}{Call up the reports on Vault City's power generator. }""{231}{}{According to the output reports, it looks like Gordon was correct. Vault City's generator is already approaching its limit. Without a new power supply, Vault City will be unable ...
First, you'll find the franchise's signature Pip-Boy on the wrist of every Vault Dweller, which is a handy wearable computer that the show replicates in extreme detail. The device shows a wearer's statistics, inventory, data, map, and the radio; it can also scan for "rads" or ...
The stone ring is a reference to the Star Trek episode, "City on the Edge of Forever". The Chosen One cannot leave Vault 13 until, messing around with a computer, he causes its water chip to fail, thus beginning the Vault Dweller's quest. ...
#2. Fallout 2 (1998) Image Source, Fair use, Link Continuing the theme of a post-nuclear apocalyptic future, you play the role of a descendant of an ancient hero who was later exiled. Fallout 2 takes place 80 years after Fallout, and the game centers around the decedents of Vault Dwell...
When you’ve installed the Fallout Shelter MOD APK, you can start the game and create your Vault or dweller. It can be whatever you want to produce. The option is yours. It is possible to choose a man, woman, child, dog, cat, all sorts of animals, etc… Obviously, they could be ...
You will find Nick held captive inside Vault 114, located under Boston Common’s Park Street Station. After rescuing him from Triggerman operatives, you must safely escort him back to his office in Diamond City. From there, Nick gives you the next mission in the main questline (Getting a ...
"City of the Dead" The Sierra Madre is a pre-War city in the former American Southwest. It serves as the setting for the the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. Constructed somewhere close to the Grand Canyon,[1] east of the Mojave Desert, the Sierra M