↑ Fallout Bible p.11: "VAULT SYSTEM"Vault 8: A control Vault, intended to open and re-colonize the surface after 10 years. Vault City is the result. Unfortunately." ↑ Fallout Bible p.23: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"2091: Vault 8 opens, and they use their GECK to create fertil...
The Chosen One:"{191}{}{You saw the Vault Dweller? Where?}" Lenny:"{270}{}{I’it w’was a long time ago. In a place called N’necropolis. A lot of us g’ghouls lived there. One, day I saw someone running through the city.}" The Chosen One:"{271}{}{Running?}" Lenny:"{...
令我担心这个游戏是多人游戏的主要就是那最后一句词:In Vault 76,OURfuture begins.但好歹,目前为止...
Fortunately, they pointed me in the direction of the Hub, the largest city in the wasteland. The Hub was a larger city than both Junktown and Shady Sands combined. You could drop the Vault in there, and you probably would not notice. But the people of the Hub had no life, and it ...
Motor-Runner:"I guess it isn't a secret. Yeah, the residents of the Vault are all dead. We killed them. Funny thing is, they just let us in. We didn't have to force the doors or anything." (Motor-Runner's dialogue) ↑TheCourier:"Why did you move the Fiends into this Vault?"...
遇到两名掠夺者(Raiders)押解一名81号避难所囚犯(Vault 81 Prisoner)时,玩家干掉掠夺者(Raiders)后,81号避难所(Vault 81)居民(Settler)会感慨说:“等我回到81号避难所(Vault 81),就再也不离开了”。玩家此时若从发现81号避难所(Vault 81),哔哔小子“其他任务”栏中会显示“去查看81号避难所(Vault 81)”的任务...
“海底二十里” (MS03): Side quest, the Sole Survivor has to go underwater and explore Vault 120. The quest was likely related to the cut harpoon gun weapon. It would've likely taken place in an underwater vault as untextured assets can be found in the Creation Kit of both an under...
遇到两名掠夺者(Raiders)押解一名81号避难所囚犯(Vault 81 Prisoner)时,玩家干掉掠夺者(Raiders)后,81号避难所(Vault 81)居民(Settler)会感慨说:“等我回到81号避难所(Vault 81),就再也不离开了”。玩家此时若从发现81号避难所(Vault 81),哔哔小子“其他任务”栏中会显示“去查看81号避难所(Vault 81)”的任务...
-August 2018 - You need a new save game before to enter on the city. Moving districts + cars Adds buildings + Vault (Don't worry for the troubleshooting, it's from the game. The cell don't support so much environnement. I will see if I can create on a new land without wheather)...
遇到两名掠夺者(Raiders)押解一名81号避难所囚犯(Vault 81 Prisoner)时,玩家干掉掠夺者(Raiders)后,81号避难所(Vault 81)居民(Settler)会感慨说:“等我回到81号避难所(Vault 81),就再也不离开了”。玩家此时若从发现81号避难所(Vault 81),哔哔小子“其他任务”栏中会显示“去查看81号避难所(Vault 81)”的任务...