13号避难所(英文名:Vault 13) (被阿罗由的一些成员称为神圣13的避难所,[1]),是位于南部加州的避难所科技避难所。它的准确位置在沙蔭市和15号避难所以西,在玛丽博萨军事基地以东。这是放逐者的家。 13 号避难所的建设于2063年8月开始,并于2069年3月完成,这是西海岸最
7.2 Fallout 2 7.3 Fallout: Tactics 7.4 Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 7.5 Fallout 3 7.6 Fallout: New Vegas 7.7 Fallout 4 7.8 Fallout 76 7.9 Fallout TV series 8 Videos 9 See also 10 References Advertisement Background Project Safehouse A Vault-Tec advertisement for Vault 13. A Vault-Tec poste...
↑TheCourier:"What can you tell me about Vault 3?" Bryce Anders:"The inhabitants of the Vault were simple traders. They made a good living for themselves for a couple weeks. Then they caught the Fiends attention. I don't think they set up any kind of security, stupid fucks. They all...
In fact, according to Bethesda's Todd Howard, James was written with Neeson in mind. Vault 101's physician, the ever-inquisitive James leaves the underground bunker on a quest to purify the Wasteland's water. Although he dies, James could still appear in flashbacks in the TV show....
2. Fallout Fast forward 59 years and we reach the events of the first game in the series. Developed by Interplay Productions, Fallout follows a vault dweller living in a bomb shelter known as Vault 13. Hiding away from the apocalyptic wasteland outside their doors, the player’s peaceful ...
↑Sierra Madre vault terminal entries; Vault control terminal, Sinclair's personal accounts ↑President Kimball:"Private First Class Jeremy Watson, on behalf of the senate and people of the New California Republic, it is my honor to present you with the Star of Sierra Madre." ...
And for those rare instances where the coin lands on its side, one can simply give in to the torture at the base and reveal the location of Vault 13, ending everything then and there. Those are just the possibilities stemming from a single encounter; imagine all the other ...
还有30个啤酒杯垫(Beer Coaster)供收集,其中20个啤酒杯垫(Beer Coaster)代表游戏本体的避难所科技摇头娃娃(Vault-Tec bobblehead),大都在各地的酒吧内。 5、护教者(Fidei Defensor)【任务代码:Folon_MQ105或0719FC81】 首先,任务提示“前往圣保罗庇护所(St. Pauls Sanctuary)”。来到伦敦金融城(City Of London)...
I was glued to fallout shelter when I first downloaded it, the quests and never ending activities in the vault made me spend hours on the game. However, just like how the many reviews here have mentioned, when you reach the maximum capacity of 200 dwellers the game seems to come to a ...
1/2 进入第4层洞穴隧道的钥匙卡位于公共宿舍(下面一层)。一旦进入,必须打开房间西北角较低楼层的一扇普通锁门,或者前往监督者办公室,使用终端机并解除锁。一旦进入,在左边的第一个房间,在一个架子单元上将有Vault 22 cave door keycard。钥匙卡不直接打开3层的洞穴门,它指示洞穴门旁边的终端机打开门。